Chapter 1: Not What I Expected

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(In The Still of The Night playing) 

David always started every morning with a bit of radio music. It seems today that In The Still of The Night is playing. A favorite of David. David is sitting on his bed swaying his foot to the beat while having his eyes closed enjoying the amazing voices of the 5 satins. In Site [redacted] the morning for most of the D class was starting. Security were walking outside of the D class rooms. They were grabbing those who they needed for testing. 

David however was interesting to the D class. He himself was technically an SCP, but he had no number except for D-0023. However everyone just called him David or Max. David when he was born had amazing abilities. He could make things around him float or fly. He could cast most of all DnD spells. This actually got out of hand once, for another D class asked for a DnD Player Handbook 5E. He then asked David to cast a spell, for which David did. The spell was fire bolt. Let's just say the book was taken away from the other D class after this incident. But where David's abilities came in handy were with the scps. A great example would be with SCP - 500 [the cure all pills]. David was able to make more of the pills with their anomalous effect. This gave David quite a lot of respect. 

David listening to The 5 Satins, was remembering how he got to this Facility. He was only one years old so there really was not that much to remember. However some of the security relayed the capture of David to him. It included a certain one year old making water come out of his hands, and of course The Scp Foundation had to get their hands on the young boy. 

David could not really remember much of the outside world. The world here in the Scp Foundation was not that bad or at least for a magician named David. As well as he was given authority to walk around most of the Facility. With David's help The SCP foundation did not have to worry about a lot of containment breaches.

David was currently 15 years old this year and he was going to get a test today. This test from what David could remember had to deal with his favorite kinds of creatures. Dragons. David always had a great fascination with mystical creatures, so hearing that he had to work with dragons made him very happy. Turning off the radio he saw a note being slipped under his door. He got up from his bed and went over to the door to see it. David bent down and picked up the paper. On the paper reads, "D-0023 you are requested to be escorted to the containment of SCP-1762. Once there the scientists will give you information on what you have to do. Site Manager."

"David I am going to ask you to stand back from the door please, and we will open it for you so we can done with this as soon as we can." A voice asked behind the door. To David the sounded like one of his best friend's voices. The door opened and David was correct it was. The security was Robert. Robert and David had been great friends after David helped get SCP 173 back into containment. When David re-contained SCP 173 he had saved Robert from the deadly statue. After that they were best buds. "Morning David, I hope you are doing fine." Robert said with a grin.

"I am doing fine Robert. I just read the note." David said to Robert as David was holding the paper. 

"Oh OK. Then let's go!" Robert was also kinda excited to see SCP 1762. The idea of dragons existing was just amazing to both of them. Robert moved to the side for David to leave the room.

"Are you excited as well Robert?" David asked.

"Damn right son!" Robert said hoarsely. "I mean when do you get to see a dragon. Certainly not everyday." Robert finished.

The two were walking for a good thirty minutes until they finally reached their destination. At the door had a old looking scientist, white gray hair and a light beard.

"Morning David! You ready for the test?" The old doctor was Dr. Yetali. He would oversee this experiment. "This experiment is quite a simple one. We want you to make contact with the SCP 1762-2's, and see if you can make it into their world. Does that make sense?" Dr. Yetali asked.

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