Chapter 4 Jungle crawling and oversized wasp slaying, and old family ties

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 Chapter 4 Jungle crawling and oversized wasp slaying, and old familyties

Ozpin – There's a bee infestation in Patch. We need you to get rid of the bees. YN will lead this mission.

YN – I have a feeling I know the exact reason of bees infesting Patch. And I don't like it.

Weiss – What's the reason?

YN – They made a nest under patch. It's pretty warm under the ground. Warm enough to make a tropical jungle. These bees love that type of warmth. Alright, team RWBY! Get your stuff ready, we depart in half an hour!

Ruby – Yes! A mission led by big brother!

YN – Ruby, I'm not your brother for Fishron's sake!

Yang – Fishron? What's that?

YN – It's a type of monster. Not grimm, but the type I fought earlier with Weiss. There's their duke, which tends to destroy ships. I killed one of their dukes a few months ago. It was a fun exercise. Not too much difficulties once you learn their patterns.

Meanwhile we got to team RWBY's dorm and I was packing my potions.

YN – Let's see. Solar armor, check. Terrarian, check. Healing potions, check. Wings, and other accessories, check. Megashark with ichor bullets, check. Last prism, check. You guys ready?

Weiss – Yes!

Blake – Yeah!

Ruby – Let'sa go!

Yang – Sure!

YN – Then let's go.

We walked out from beacon, and I equipped my helmet, thus rendering me unrecognisable except for my voice, but during my time in Mistral, it got deep enough so nobody would recognise me from my old "family". There was only one problem. Ruby and Yang could give me away.

YN – Ruby, Yang. On the mission you will have to refer to me as Chuchiton. Not YN. I don't want Tai, Raven or Qrow recognising me.

Ruby and Yang nodded, and I felt like this mission would be a cakewalk. We arrived to patch on a bullhead, and I got my weapons ready. Soon we walked past my old "home" and Ruby and Yang dashed to meet with their folks. We went after them, because we would need some intel. Soon we were sitting around the table with me still having my armor on fully hiding my face.

Tai – So let me get this straight. Ozpin sent you five to help with the bee situation.

Ruby – Yes! Chuchiton here knows how to deal with them.

Yang – And he's the leader of the team. We have to follow his instructions.

YN – So, the hornets are coming from a cave right?

Qrow – Yes. Every time We try to get close however, we get overwhelmed. Can't get in.

YN – Wait. Those weak monsters overwhelm you?

Raven – Err yes. Wait. You are calling them weak?

YN – If you three can't go into the cave, you have no chance against a mimic. And they are easy for me. Well except for the elemental mimics. Those are scary to fight. So. Where's the cave?

Qrow – North. You go four kilometers, and you see the entrance. Can we come too? You guys will probably need all the help you can get, right?

YN – Sure. You guys will want to see this.

Weiss raised an eyebrow, questioningly.

Weiss – Chuchiton? Are you sure about this?

YN – Yes. I am sure.

We walked to the cave, with me slaying any hornets that were stupid enough to attack us, and I threw a glowstick in.

YN – Clear! There's a steep hill straight ahead, and it looks like that's where the hornets are coming from. Go ahead Yang!

Yang went ahead, with me covering her back, and soon we were walking in a huge cave.

Yang – Hey Chuchiton! There's honey dripping from the ceiling.

YN – That's a bee's nest. You guys stay here, I'm gonna check it out.

Ruby – No fair! I want to see it too.

YN – Ruby, it's dangerous. I'm gonna summon a boss and we can fight it down here.

I used a grappling hook, to get myself up to the bee nest and looked around. Soon I saw a bee in an amber casing. I got closer, but stepped on a pressure plate and a boulder smashed the amber casing. I jumped down to the rest of the group, and got my last prism out. Weiss tried to freeze the royal beetch but it had too mutch momentum, and broke the ice instantly. Queen bee turned back and I activated my last prism taking her hap down to half. I ran out of mana so I swapped to megashark and peppered her with ichor bullets. Ruby shot the bee with he scythe rifle, and it soon was down to it's last bits of health. Queen bee however got off with one last charge knocking my helmet off, while my solar shield destroyed her. However my face was visible to the whole wide world, and Tai and Qrow recognized me instantly. Raven seemed to recognize me too and she broke down sobbing.

Qrow – YN?

Tai – Son?

YN – You had a son? Where?

Qrow – YN, where were you? We've been looking for you for half a year.

YN – And I'm supposed to believe that?

I asked forcing my voice to remain calm while I was very close to putting a couple of bullets into their limbs.

Tai – YN, I know what we did was wrong. Can you forgive us?

YN – Let me think. Nope!

Tai – But where have you been? I've missed you.

YN – Me or your punching bag!?

I snapped back gripping the megashark. Raven tried hugging me, but I dodged to the side. I picked up my helmet and placed it back on my head. Now my solar shield was active, and I was heading out from the cave. Weiss quickly caught up to me.

Weiss – Are you okay? You seemed tense the entire mission. I mean it's understandable but are you okay?

YN – Not really. I was this close to shooting them in the knee.

Tai – YN, can we talk at least?

YN – Tai, go away before I shoot you.

Tai – YN...


I ran forward, and sat down on a fallen tree. I was sobbing audibly now, and tears threatened to leak from my eyes. I sat there for hours sending Weiss a text to report to Ozpin ad tell him that I'll be back later. After who knows how long, I decided to catch a bullhead to beacon, and thus officially completing the mission. Later I was walking towards beacon when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Weiss standing there. She seemed to be crying.

Weiss – I... thought you would run away! Do you know how worried everyone was? Especially me...

She hugged me which stunned me for a second, but then I hugged her back.

YN – Come on Weiss. Let's go in.

~Anime outro music plays~

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