It's his room

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2d straightens up his room a bit. You know, putting some dirty clothes in hampers, making his bed, making sure his cat didn't fuck anything up earlier, y'know, all that jazz. He didn't want Y/N to think he was a slob, you know.

But anyhow, after about what felt like half an hour of cleaning, and getting distracted by random little objects he'd found whilst he was cleaning, there was a knock at the door, causing him to jump and drop his teddy bear he'd had ever since he'd come out of the womb... about. He'd found it under his bed. Hasn't seen it since phase one. You can imagine just how "chuffed" he was when he had found it.

Anywhore, 2d crawls on the floor towards his door and grabbed the knob as he slowly stood up. 2d opens the door a crack, checking to see who it was who had summoned him and thank Buddha it was you and not Murdoc getting ready to cook him for dinner because of something stupid he did three weeks ago. But then again Murdoc would've just burst in there anyway but 2d is slow, ok? It's not his fault.

2d opens the door wider as he smiles softly. "Com' on in! I even cleaned an' everyfing!" He chirps as he skips over to his bed and sat down on top of it, patting the area right next to him, indicating that he wants you to sit well, right next to him, obviously.

You stare at him for what seemed like a couple minutes before you ultimately decided you wanted to sit down, as he had clearly had mutual feelings about you doing. You look around the room aimlessly and notice a stuffed bear (The one 2d was playing with earlier.) on the ground. You reach for the bear and hold it up to your face, observing all of its little characteristics.

It was small and brown and it was somewhat tattered. It's left ear was missing and it had significantly less stuffing than it probably would have years ago. It reminded you of your pet dog from when you were a girl. His name was Rockit.

Rockit resembled 2d's bear, except the main difference was that Rockit was way, WAY larger, and he still had all his ears, for the most part. The left one was a little chipped but that was really it. But anyway, he was a very big dog, and he looked exactly like a bear. You loved to play with him. And he would always snuggle up with you when you were feeling sad. He was the best friend you probably ever had in your whole life.

He died when you were 13, however.  And that was one of the darkest moments you've been around to experience--- seeing your best friend get ran over by a wreckless drunk. (Yes I know. Very original.) That was when your hatred for humanity began. October 19th, 1987.

"Dat's Steven." 2d says breaking you out of the many flashbacks you were having. You look at him, confused.

"'Is name is Steven." He says slowly. "Stee-ven."

You blink at him. "Ohhh. Steven. Sorry 'bout that."

"Yeh. It's awwight." Ha says as he smiled. "I 'ad 'im since I wus in nappies still. 'E was me favorite toy in da entire world at da time!"

You look back at the bear in your hand. "Well he's certainly seen better days. Poor thing."

"Oh, right. Mu'doc kinda chewed da ear off one time when 'e was drunk so that explains da ear 'e's missing."

"Oh." You mumble.

"Can I 'ave 'im back now? Please?"

You sigh softly and gave him back his bear.

"Fank yew!" He chirps innocently as he squeezes you and his bear into a tight hug as you just sit there, confused as to why he'd try to hug you for something as small as giving him a bear back because it's his or something.

2d releases you from the tight, squeezy prison of arms and shit and smiles at you as you still just stare at him in concern. His smile fades and he holds his head down slightly. "Sorry. Dat wuz uncalled fo'." He whispers apologetically while he lightly rubs his arms in embarrassment.

"No, no. It's fine." You said softly as you reach over to his back and pat it gently. You retained your look of confusion and/or concern up until the grown man turns his head toward you as a smile tugs at the corners of his lips.

2d snickers at the rather odd expression you were making, causing you to blush a little due to its criminal amounts of adorable sniffly-ness. "Wh-what?" You mumble, feeling confused.

"Yer face!" He exclaims, pointing at your face

You furrow your eyebrows. "What about my face?"

"It's funny." He says between chuckles.

You shook your head and sighed, sporting a small smile yourself. You didn't know how a man could be in his 30s almost, yet still so fucking adorable. How does he do it? Hell if I know.

2d puts the Steven on your head, making him do a little jig as if the bear was preforming on a dome-shaped stage. 2d hummed a little ditty as he did this. At this point you were convinced this man was literally the goddamn pinnacle of innocence; even if he may or may not have a prescription drug addiction but, you weren't going to hold that against him. He was still the god of innocence in your eyes. (And you'd be one to talk anyway.)

"Now what's he doin' up there?" You playfully ask, encouraging a giggle from 2d.

"'E's dancin' obviously!" He chirps.

2d chortles as he sets the bear down in your lap, patting the toy's head after doing so. You look down at the bear in your lap and you play around with its arms a wee bit.

2d watches you screw around with the bear's arms, smirking all the while. Suddenly he hears a scratch at the door and swiftly turns his head towards the noise. 2d blinks before ultimately deciding to stand, and investigate the noise.

You look at 2d, concern plaguing your face once again.

"D..." You mumble as you watch 2d shuffle to the door.

2d reaches for the knob and pulls the door open slowly, eventually bending down as if he was picking up something off the ground. Your eyes dart around the room haphazardly for a weapon, in case you needed to attack. Soon enough, however, he turns around, revealing him holding a huge cat in his arms--- his grin stretching farther than what you previously thought was possible for a human being. You sigh in relief.

2d ambles back towards you and his bed, cradling the feline in his long, skinny, tree branches for arms. 2d sits back down beside you and places the kitty on top of his thighs.

"Dis is me cat! 'Is name is Gilbert!"

Gilbert was orange. He was also pretty fat. BIG kitty. He was pretty cool. Looked like Garfield but spotty.

"Wow." you wow.

Gilbert turns toward you and cocks his head in curiosity. The cat meows as he moved from 2d's legs to yours. The kitty nuzzles into your arm, inevitably forcing a smile to form upon your face.

"Awe! Lookit dat! I fink 'e likes yew, Y/N!"

"Heh. Well I'll be a monkey's uncle, he sure does!" You say, imitating a Southern American accent. 2d chuckles, encouraging a chuckle from you as well.

"Yeh, y'know, Mu'doc didn't want 'im but we got 'im anyway." 2d giggles. "We weren' able to find 'im for a week. Turns out Mu'doc was snugglin' wiv 'im in secret. Funny 'ow dat is, eh?"

You shnort. "Yeah. It is."

Aaaand I'm ending that there. Any more and it'd feel overdone in my eyes. Sorry it took me like, a month to finish. That's a thing I tend to do. Now I'm just gonna stare at the ceiling for a bit while I reflect on all my past decisions. Toodles.

I Jus' Like Yew, I Guess (2D x reader)Where stories live. Discover now