Chapter 1

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At the full moon night, two of them were running on the road holding each other hands. The girl was wearing a red lehenga, with sindoor (vermilion which symbolises married woman) on head and mangalsutra (a black beaded chain in the thin wire of gold which symbolises married woman) around neck. The boy was wearing a white sherwani, a red turban and a red tikka (a red dot of vermilion paste applied on the forehead, between the eyebrows) on forehead. Both of them had a garland around them, indicating that they are married recently.

A jeep having 4 - 5 people was behind them. The person on the passenger seat stood and aimed to shoot at them with his gun. The boy and the girl eloped together from their respective houses and married in the temple, without taking consent of their parents. Both of them weren't from the same caste and status. The girl was from rich thakur family and the boy belongs to poor dalit family. They met in college and soon love blossomed. When they told their choice of partners to their family members, the family especially girl's didn't agree. The boy's father although didn't agree, but warned him about the consequences of falling in love with a thakur girl.

''Tho...'' The bullet hit the back of the boy and he falled on the ground. The girl screamed calling his name, "Tanmay". She kneeled down and pulled him in his lap. She holds his right hand in her and caresses his forehand with her left hand. "Nothing will happen to you, Tanmay. We will live together and die together." She said.
"No Roshani, I think I'll die now. We won't able to live our lives together. Please forgive me, we didn't even get time to spend our married life together." Tanmay said while feeling the pain in his back.

Soon the jeep reached to them. All of them, got down from jeep. The person who shoot came forward and holds Roshani's hand. He tries to drag her and says, "Get up girl, aur kitna mooh kala karavayegi ? (how much you're gonna put us in shame?)".
Roshani isn't ready to leave her love in this state. "Nahi pitaji (No father), he is my husband. I am not going to leave him." She cries, but no one listens. Her father drags her, but her hand holding his isn't ready to leave his. Finally they succeed in taking her to the jeep. All of them sat in the jeep. The jeep soon vanished, leaving the dying Tanmay on the road. Roshani cries, screams his name but deaf ears couldn't hear neither his pain nor her pleads. The monsters lost their sanity. They were least bothered about their love. They only value their caste and the prestigious status.


Roshani was pulled to her room and thrown on her bed.
"Remove her sindoor (vermilion) and that black thread. Her husband is dead, so their is no value remains for those accessories." Her father commanded the ladies. The ladies who covered their head with veil nodded. In no minute, her sindoor was rubbed and the mangalsutra was removed from her neck. She protested, pleaded, begged them not to do such violence on her. She is indeed their daughter. She couldn't do anything to stop them as her hands were strongly caught by other women, while her mother didn't showed any mercy to her daughter while rubbing her sindoor nor removing her mangalsutra. Soon she was dressed as bride and was forced to sit besides a boy who seems from some thakur family of the nearby village. No one asked Roshani's consent. The wedding ended with all rituals as the soul died within the body.


A boy is showing a photo to people, expecting that they will recognize the girl in the photo. He was informed that she got married in this village, but how  no one recognizes her? He was disappointed. Suddenly, a lady passes by sees the photo in his hand. She recognises the girl. She comes forward and ask about the photo. The boy realizes that the lady might know about her and says,"She is my friend, Roshani. I heard she married to the boy of this village. Do you know her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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