A Miley Cyrus Fan

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Nick's POV


I rubbed my eyes as I rose from bed.

Another day, another torture.
I slumped down the bed once more wanting to refrain from going to school but my alarm had said  otherwise.


"Arrghh",I complained and shut if off as I arose once more. This time standing up and going out my room.

I took a bath and then stared at the mirror as I grabbed a hand full of gel and slicked my hair to the back. I fixed my hair until I was satisfied and grinned.

"Nicks, I know I've always said that I wanted a baby sister but if you take this long in the bathroom, I don't think I need one anymore."

I heard my big bro say sarcastically from the other side of the door and scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm already done!", I shouted as I grabbed my uniform and put it on. Hanging my towel, I exited the bathroom only to receive a snicker from my big bro.
I rolled my eyes and kicked his butt, pushing him inside the bathroom.

"Took you long enough.", he said as he recovered from the kick and looked at me as he held the door, "Was there a girl you wanted to look good for?", he asked with a smirk.

I couldn't help but think of Sweetlyn.

I froze at the image and brushed it off.

Why did she appear?!, I mentally slapped myself.

"I'm going now!", I said as I went down the stairs ignoring the shout of my brother teasing me because I still hadn't answered his question.

Don't mistake me, I didn't want to answer his question because no matter what I say he'd still tease me for it. If I said I had no one, he'd tell me I was lying and push me to say a name. He was only satisfied with one answer and like no way in hell would I allow him to be satisfied with teasing me.

Also, the reason I didn't wait for him was because my big brother was already in college. His class was way later than mine.

"Honey, you don't want breakfast?", I jogged in my place as I looked at my mother,"Nah ma'. I'm passing by the convenience store with Cedrick and Kent. We'll order take out there!", I explained and continued jogging towards the door to put on my shoes.

I opened the door and shouted before leaving, "I'm heading off!"

"Stay safe!!"

"Bring home your girlfriend if you have time!"

I rolled my eyes at my father's comment before running off, closing the door.

I looked at my watch,
7:30 am, school starts at 8:30.

I know it's early but it only means more time to goof off  'till school.


I looked infront and saw Kent waving at me. I grinned and ran towards him, "Yo!"


"4 grilled cheese sandwiches please!", I grinned as I handed my purchase to the cashier.

The woman looked at me then blushed as we maid eye contact.
I grinned at her reaction seemingly satisfied that my looks never could dissapoint.

I needed this kind of assurance after all the happenings yesterday. The whole day, Sweetlyn had treated us as three idiots and our charms literally kept being deflated by her. This kind of reactions were what we deserved and glad that at least 99% of the world appreciated that.

"Thank you for the purchase sir.", the cashier bowed.

I grabbed the 4 sandwiches and winked at the girl. I turned around but before  I went out, I stole a glance at the now fainting cashier and smirked.

Just because Cedrick gave up doesn't mean I'll be falling down anytime soon.,I told myself as I looked at Kent who was looking at his phone.

Me and Kent still have many things up our sleeves and Sweetlyn is yet to know it!

I smirk at my self assurance and threw a piece of sandwich towards Kent who was startled, not ready for the sandwich that had been thrown at him. I shrugged as he glared at me and grabbed a sandwich of my own and took a bite from it.

Imma come in Sweetlyn's heart like a freaking wrecking ball!

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