CH 5

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Roman wakes up at 6 to his alarm blaring Disney music. He quickly turns it off and drags himself from his bed towards his bathroom to start the day. He goes through his morning routine and is outside his door by 7. He feels something is off but brushes it off and sings a song as he descends the stairs.

"In the circle of life, It's the wheel of fortune, It's the leap of faith, It's the band of hope, 'Til we find our place, On the path unwinding, In the circle, the circle of life~..." He freezes at the sight before him.

"I swear if this is a prank." He says as he rushes up the stairs and looks at the hall. It's then that he notices. Logan's door is missing. Tears start to fall as the situation starts to sink in.

"No. No. No. No. No. This can't be. Logan wouldn't." He pulls himself from his thoughts and heads towards the purple door.

"Virgil, wake up. It's an emergency! I need you out here right now!" He says as he knocks on the door. He attempts to keep his voice down to avoid waking up the cheerful aspect. They didn't need to see this.

"Ugg. What could be so important, to wake me up at this, ungodly hour, Princy?"

"Shh! Don't wake Patton! Come down stairs." Roman quickly went downstairs, Virgil closely behind. Freezing at the sight before him.

"Lock Pat's door. We can't let him see this."

"See what?" The two of them turned around only to be greeted with a broken expression.

"Th-this is a prank. Logan's fine. He has to be!" Patton rushed up the stairs and when he couldn't see the logical side's door, collapsed.

"I'm sorry Pat." Virgil said as he sat beside him.

"I'm gonna take him down. We can bury him in the field-"

"No. His favorite place was the willow tree on the edge of the clearing. If he was outside, he was there."

"Okay. You take care of Pat." Roman says wiping tears and heading back down the stairs. Virgil turned back to Patton to see him hunched over balling.

"He can't be gone! He can't! Thomas needs him still! We need him! Oh god Thomas-"

"Shh Pat. It's gonna be fine. We'll work through this. I need you to take some deep breaths for me okay? Virgil says as he holds Patton close allowing him to cry on his shoulder as he rubs circles on his back.


"Alright. In for 5. Hold for 7. Out for 8. In for 5. Hold for 7. Out for 8. In for 5. Hold for 7. Out for 8. Now 5 things you can see.

"You, me,... your jacket,the carpet,... your hair."

"Now 4 things you can touch."

"Your jacket, you, me,... the carpet."

"3 things you can hear."

"Your breathing,... my breathing, your music."

"2 things you can smell."

"Flowers,... chocolate?"

"Hu, nice catch. Finally 1 thing you can taste."

"My tears."


"A little." Patton pulls back a bit and rubs the tears from his eyes.

"Lets go help Roman. I don't think he can carry him on his own."

"Okay kiddo. L-let's go help him out."

Time Lapse - Brought to you by my tired, lazy ass

(After they buried him)

"Guys, he left a note." Virgil says as he opens the letter.

"Let me see." Patton says, looking over the other side's shoulder.

"Me too."

"Here, I'll read it aloud." Virgil says before clearing his throat.

"Dear Associates, I regret to inform you that if you are reading this, I'm no longer here. You shouldn't mind though. You made it quite clear that I was unneeded. Unwanted even. You all continuously mocked and ignored me. You ridiculed and belittled me. You hurt me emotionally and mentally. You insisted that I didn't have emotions when I cried myself to sleep nearly every night. I'm done with this treatment. With this abuse. I'm done with all of you, and most importantly, I'm done with this life. Sincerely, Logan 'Logic' Sanders."

"Did we really hurt him?" Patton asked. He was crying again.

"We shouldn't need to ask." Virgil said as he placed the letter on the coffee table.

"I'm going to bed and hoping that when I get up, this all was a nightmare." Roman states heading for the stairs.

"Me too. You gonna be okay Pat?" Virgil asks.

"Yea. I'll follow you up in a bit. I just... need some time." Patton replies. Sitting on the couch.

"We all do Pat. We all do. Just, remember you're not alone. Me and Roman are here for you."

"Yea. I'll remember." Virgil nods as he heads back to his room. Not planning to leave for the foreseeable future.

Author's Notes:

Anyone notice the joke? CH 6 will be out later today. I accidentally wrote it first. Welp, Goodnight Mortals, Immortals, and everything in between.

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