Part 9.

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I logged into Facebook on the open Netbook that was sitting on my bed. About 5 notifications that were worth looking at and an inbox. Inbox's on Facebook always got me excited, because it would have to be something others didn't want to see, otherwise they would put it in your 'wall''. I opened it up and it said I had one unread message from Haley Winstead. I read this and my heart began pumping fast, I had almost forgotten about the 'incident' because of what had happened with Henry. Henry was still laughing and stomping around upstairs by the way. I opened it up and the only thing it said in it was; 


..Sorry?! What on earth was she talking about? Couldn't she tell I was mad for her? Completely and utterly mad for her! Maybe its cause I pulled away. Did I leave the wrong impression? All these questions running through my head. HOW WAS I GOING TO REPLY? I sat there, my face feeling hot, my heart beating way to fast than what it should be. Clicking on the box to type I sighed deeply. 

'sorry? why sorry?' ... That wasn't a good idea was it? I didn't want her to think I was being sarcastic. So I deleted that and re-thought.

'you don't need to be sorry. i'm glad it happened xxxxx' As I typed my heart was like a galloping horse, and my fingers were shaking. To many kisses? I deleted two, and then stared at the message. Should I send it. My head was completely focused on the screen and my message I didn't realise Henry had slithered down the stairs and into my room.

"What's the matter dipshit?" He smirked at me and crawled onto my bed. I snapped out of looking at the message and went to shut my Netbook lid, but it was to late, Henry had seen it.

"What;s going on here then fuckface?" An evil smile crept onto his face.

"Nothing!" I shrieked and smacked the Netbook lid shut, and hid my face.

 "Oh caam on! You helped me, so lemme help you!" He nudged my arm.

"There is nothing to help with." My voice quivered.

"Please tell me fuckface?" I looked round at Henry, his eyes were no longer puffy, and somehow he seemed right as rain again, "what have you and Haley been up to then? What's happened?" 

"Well.. er." Did I want to tell him? He told me his issues.


"Well, we.. erm.. we kissed." I buried my head into my lap at this point, and mimicked a gun with my hand and put it up to my head.

"And what's the problem?" ... Seriously? I lifted my head up. He didn't even make a deal about me kissing her! My face must have been a give away because he replied to the comment I had just said in my head, "Look sonny jim, I'm not stupid. I know and always have known you're crazy for Haley, it's pretty obvious babes," he winked at me, but then carried on, "and you're.. what.. 15 now? You've kissed before, its not a big deal."

"She said sorry! I don't know why, can't she see I'm mad for her!" I burst out. Not really thinking about what I was saying, and who I was saying it to.

"It's girl for ya!" As Henry said this his voice trailed off. I didn't want him thinking about Stacey again so I thought of a reply quickly.

"What do I reply to 'sorry'? How can I show her that I'm glad it happened?" Henry wasn't looking at me, he was looking away, staring into space.

"..oi." I nudged him slightly and his head spun round fast and he looked me in the eye.

"What you put was fine." His voice was quiet now. Then he got up and walked out of my room, without saying another word.

"Henry?" I asked him, skipping off my bed and spinning round the door frame. He was getting his coat on, "Henry, what are you doing?"

"Going out!" He shouted out at me, he then pulled the door open, and slammed it shut.

I Love My Bestfriend. If Only She Knew How Much.Where stories live. Discover now