Part 3.

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It was lunch now, and I trudged outside, into the cold, last. Davey had waited for me outside the classroom.

"Hall or courtyard mate?" He asked me, shivering.

"Courtyard." I shivered back, and we walked through the corridors, the got to the 'automatic doors' and pushed them open. Once outside on the courtyard, I could see Haley's hair. Not only that, I could smell her, she always smelt of apples. Always Christmassy. I ran up to her while she was facing the other way and wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up into the air. She squealed and wriggled about in my arms, but that made me hold her tighter.

"HARRY!" she screamed.

"Yes?" I answered sarcastically, as if I didn't know what the problem was. I let her down, and smelt her, her smell was even beautiful. When her feet finally touched the floor she turned around and playfully slapped me.

"What the fuck was that for?" I asked shocked holding my face.

"Don't do that again babes."

"Alright sweetie, I wont!" I put my pinky out and she held it. I smiled and let my finger slip out of hers. Then I walked over to Davey who was with his girlfriend, Chloe, a friend of Haley's.

"Hello love bugs." I laughed as I approached them, they were kissing.

"Ella," Davey said to me, "Told 'er yet?" He winked at me and smiled.

"Ooh, what's going on, tell who?" Chloe unhooked her arm from Davey, and put them on her hips.

"Nothing!" I felt my face going red.

"Harry likes a girl." Davey teased, and pulled Chloe back towards himself. She giggled and kissed him. As I watched them I wished me and Haley were the same. Just then I saw Charley skip over. She stopped beside's me, and smiled at me.

"Hey Harry." She said softly.

"Oh hey." I replied not really paying attention to her. I was trying to find Haley. Just as I was looking for her, she came over.

"Hey Charley!" She squawked loudly.

"Oh, hi." Charley looked away from me and over at Haley. Her sparkling blue eyes went dull as she looked at her. 

"What did you come over for anyway?.. Not to sound rude!" I asked quickly. I was never fond on Charley, she always seemed a little bit clingy to me.

"Urm, yes," he attention was brought back to me, and the sparkle came back, "would you like to come to my 16th tomorrow? Sorry, I know its a bit of a late invitation. It'll be at my house. You can bring a plus one."

"Sounds great!" Haley said before I could open my mouth.

"Actually, you're not invited." Charley coughed, and looked at her, with a smirk.

"Actually, you're wrong, she'll be my plus one." I smiled and looked at Haley, who was beaming at me.

"Oh." Charley's voice went quiet, and the smile was no longer on her face.

"Thanks for inviting me!" I grinned at her, and she nodded, half smiled and then went back to her friends. I then heard laughing, first it was quiet then it got louder.

"What a bitch," Haley laughed, "thank you for inviting me to be your plus one babe." Before I could answer she flung her arms around me and held me. 

I Love My Bestfriend. If Only She Knew How Much.Where stories live. Discover now