For once, the strongest primate high schooler

Can't even let his guard down for one second.

'It seems I have no choice but to fight.'

"Sorry, Yuzuriha, li'l sis." He whispered to them. "If it comes to this . . ." He whispered something to them, then, Yuzuriha teared up. 

"It's okay, Taiju-Kun." Yuzuriha smiled. 

"The four of us made a promise." (Y/n) said, succeeding in trying to carry the supposedly dead body of Senku. "It'll work out, Onii-Chan."

"Yeah, It has to." Yuzuriha added.

Taiju's eyes were brimming with tears. "Yeah!" He said. "Thank you, Yuzuriha, (Y/n)."

With the help of his own force, he threw the boulder above Tsukasa.

His eyes widened. 'Why did he throw it in the air?' He looked at him. 'The boulder is a decoy.' He thought. 'Taiju, I can see you. No matter what you do you've lost.'

'He wouldn't dare take his eyes off of me.' Taiju thought. 'But, that's when I have my chance!' 

Yuzuriha ran, getting the pot of black powder and threw the pot at Tsukasa as he kicks it, full force, breaking the earthenware into pieces.

'Black powder.' He thought. 

'This is our ultimate weapon against Tsukassan.' 

"The four of us made a promise to fight alongside each other!" Taiju shouted.

Yuzuriha went back towards the siblings' side.

"Goodbye, Tsukasa!" Taiju yelled as the rock collided with the black powder and ignited, creating a huge explosion.

The three of them ran deep into the forest with Senku's body, carried by (Y/n) through the help of adrenaline, the two were running with materials on their hands. 

The weather changed. It rained.

"That's right, Senku. You said it yourself!" Taiju said while running. "If we need to run, we run together! I don't care what anyone says, I know you aren't dead!" 

"Onii-Chan!" The girl carrying the body said, stopping under a tree. "Let's stop here!"


"Heart massage." Taiju said, pumping Senku's chest. "I don't even know if I'm doing it right, but I have to do it." then, he stopped and thought about something. "Artificial respiration!" 

When Taiju was about to do CPR, Yuzuriha stopped him. "I think you should keep his neck still!"

(Y/n) coughed. not hiding the fact that she was sick anymore. She tried finding the revival formula while struggling to breathe.

"(Y/n)!" Taiju called, abandoning Senku's body. "Don't push yourself." He said, pulling her off of the bag they carried.

"Nital!" She coughed. "I need Nital! The revival fluid!" She cried, trying to escape Taiju's grip. 

"Tsukasa-Kun hit Senku by his neck." Yuzuriha sobbed. "You saw it too, didn't you, (Y/n)?" She looked at the girl in front of her. "Senku-Kun sacrificed himself for us."

"No, he didn't!" She yelled. "Yuzu-Nee, Senku told me something that should be kept secret because of emergencies." 

Taiju let go of her as she walked closer to Yuzuriha. "He took the risk of letting Tsukassan kill him, knowing that he could die." She said, letting out a few coughs while covering her mouth. "That's why, Yuzu-Nee, I need the Nital."

"His neck." Yuzuriha said, remembering Senku cracking it. "He's never done that before." She stated. "I think Senku-Kun was deliberately inviting Tsukasa-Kun to attack his neck."

Taiju carried Senku, holding him by the stomach, making his back facing them. There they saw, the small petrified part of his head. 

"Here." (Y/n) said, giving them the small bottle of the revival fluid. "Pour this unto his neck."

The two remembered what the male scientist told them about a day ago and poured it unto his neck carefully. then, It was removed. The stone cracked, and the petrification was undone.

"Wake up! Senku!" Taiju yelled. "I know you won't die in a place like this!"

Mad Scientists (Senku x Reader) Under major editing??? I guessWhere stories live. Discover now