His Little Girl P2

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*Colby looks down through his twitter notifications and sees that a bunch of Sam and colby fan's twitters are full of hate edits and tweets towards y/n*

Colby: Oh are you serious?! What the hell?! *Colby calls sam*

Sam: hey Colbs wassup?
Colby: have you seen the hashtag thats been blowing up?!
Sam:No whats it about?
Colby: ITs about my fucking daughter. The tag is #Ynisn'twelcomehere like who tf says that?!
Sam:I don't know dude?
Colby apparently OUR FANS DO?!
Sam: Does y/n know,like has she seen them?
Colby: i hope not that would break her heart. Its been broken once I don't want her going through such hurt again.

*y/n comes down the stairs hearing the end of the conversation between Sam and Colby.*
Y/n: Hey dad? Who was that?
Colby:Oh just Sam. We were talking about *stutters* urm business calls..
Y/n: okay.. Well can i have my phone now I've done all my homework. Lexi *Sam's daughter.* said there was a twitter tag that was trending world wild and apparently its about me?!

*Colby's thoughts* ah shit what do I do?!
Colby: ughh do you have to have your phone?!
Y/n:Yeah i really do. Whats going on?!
Colby:oh urmm nothing i just thought me and you could hang out without our phones??
Colby: Like when you were younger and we used to go to the movies and the park and just have fun.?
Y/n:okay finee. *y/n rolls her eyes as she walks outside and gets into the car*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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