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Almost as if it was planned, groups of people have taken seats at tables without any argument. Lexi and I sat at a table with a couple of other girls from the volleyball and cheer team, and for a while it was silent.
"So," Nia tried to make conversation. "How's your day going?" She asked as she bit into a ham sandwich with burnt toast and uncooked meat. Realizing her mistake, she spat it out and pushed the tray away from her, meeting our eyes.
"Pretty bad, if you think about it," Lexi responded, also pushing her tray filled with sloppy mashed potatoes away.
"Yeah, I agree. I mean, if you're going to take us, at least give us some good food! Who wants to spend their last days eating mouldy fries with four-year-old ketchup that has already been opened?" Janisha, a base from the cheer team, added and at this point, just about everyone (Except Kathy Meyers, who eats everything) has shoved their "meals" within a thirty-foot radius from themselves.
"Come on guys, look on the bright side; we woke up today. And we're still alive! Right?" I contributed, but my comment just got questioning looks from our table.
"Right... Another day to wake up to captivity, gross meals and death. Hurray!" Nia hit back sassily, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Keilly, I love you and all, but the positive vibe just isn't working. Just let everyone be depressed before their last breath." Lexi added in, crossing her arms at me.
"Well sorry for trying to bring joy and life to places, I'll try not to do it again." I glared at my best friend and she rolled her eyes, causing me to do the same.
"Okay, this is ridiculous. I am not about to sit in a dank grey room where every second inches closer to my upcoming death and do nothing about it. Now, who's gonna help me?" Janisha ranted.
"Um, help you with what?" Kathy questioned, still shoving crap in her mouth.
"Um, escape? Duh." Janisha climbed onto the table, grasping at her chest dramatically. "We need to join forces and work together. I know you may hate some of the people in this room, but that doesn't mean we can't put aside our differences and-"
Claire began to laugh uncontrollably after shoving a spoonful of macaroni in her mouth (for some odd reason), and we all gave her confused glances until our expressions morphed into ones of horror as she began to transition from laughing to choking, clutching her throat as her coughs echoed through the room. We were about to help her, but then remembered rule number two; if you try to help someone they'll die anyway, and you'll die with them. At this point, everyone was just watching her, silently and anxiously, as her face slowly turned from peach to pink to red. After six minutes or so, Claire's boyfriend, couldn't seem to take it anymore and immediately started to perform CPR on her.
"Derreck you dimwit, CPR doesn't work if you're choking!" Someone from the crowd heckled, but he continued, pounding on her chest aggressively. A minute passed, then two, then four and, finally, Derrek's best friend Miles tried pulling him away from her.
"Dude, forget it! She's dead." He wrestled with Derreck, but Derreck fought back, elbowing Miles in the stomach. He goes in again, but Miles is quicker.
"She's DEAD! Get it through your head man. There's nothing you can do to save her because she's dead." Miles shoves Derreck away from Claire's lifeless body, pale as ever, and Derreck stares at her for a few seconds before roaring out in anger.
"DAMNIT!" He kicked the table, spreading even more fear through the cafeteria, then turned to Cloaked.
"You," he growls, pointing a shaky finger at her. "You killed her. You f****** killed her!!" Derreck charged at Cloaked, but tripped over the leg of a table and hit his head on the side of it, then collapsed to the concrete floor, his neck cracking in the process. Everyone gasped in shock, as everything happened so quickly, but Cloaked was still standing there with an amused look on her face.
"Huh, that happened quicker than I expected."
"What?" Janisha scowled, but got a shrug in response.
"I didn't expect someone to display game rule two so soon. I guess everyone is full of surprises," Cloaked mini curtsied, spinning on her heel and walking in the opposite direction.
"You're sick." Nia scorned, but Cloaked's mouth spread into a sly smile.
"Oh darling, I wouldn't say 'sick', necessarily. I would describe myself as... psychotically inclined." Cloaked cackled, and left the room, leaving us with so many questions. So many questions that would probably never be answered.

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Sorry guys, short chapter. From now on I have a goal of 1000 words per chapter. I'll also try to upload more often. Also I don't know if phycotically inclined makes any sense but nothing does so oh well. Hope you enjoyed!
-Alecia Blessing

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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