Chapter 30

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??? Pov:

"Sir, I think she is waking up."

"Good, good and it seems she is going to he alive, her blood pressure is normal."

Where am I?

I look up to see a man in a mask, and a lady next to him.

Is wilford going to get me? Is he here... am I going to join my brother...

All I know is...

'Shake, shake.'

"Ma'am are you okay?!"

"Nurse go get me the ICD!"

"Yes sir!"

The lady ran out of the room.

W-what is happening?!

"Calm down ma'am breath!"

I couldn't breath, I couldn't speak... what is wrong with me?!


"Shit her blood pressure is 174/104..." the man whispered.

"Here you go sir!"

"Alright count to 3 we shock her!"

W-wait WHAT?!







What is happening...why am I so tired..
"Come here now, it's not nice to run away I just want to chat~."

I need to run...
I can't let the pink man get me.
In front of me was now a lady...very familar like I just have seen her... I can to her for help to get away from the pink man.

"Help me!"

"Who are you?!"

"Please hes following me!!"





My eyes wide open.
My breath was hard as a rock.
Looking around to be dead on the ground feeling the pain through my head.
Nothing I felt nothing.

Looking up a bright light irrated my eyes.

I felt something comfy holding me steady... finally realizing it was a bed.

W-was it a dream?
Or was it real.

"Ah I see your awake now, Miss."

I look at the direction of the sound and there was the man in a coat.

I asked," Where am I?"

"You are in the hospital miss, you were shot in the head... but we were able to save your life just in time." The man answered.

So it wasnt a dream...
The pink man is real.

"What's your name ma'am?"

My name...

"It's Jessica."

"Nice to meet you Jessica, you can just call me Doc."

"Oh okay Doc...thank you for saving me."

"No problem ma'am, but I have one question for you."

"What is it?"

"Well you see... I was researching a bit and found put you are related to Leah Brown, am I correct?"

"Yes...she is my cousin."

"Alright, now do you know who this is."

The doc tooked out a piece of paper and unfolded it.
It was a girls face that I knew...
W-hat was her name?

All of the sudden aches were controlling my brain giving me a massive headache.

"Are you alright Jess?!"

"Y-yes, also I know who is in the picture is, its Y/n my cousin bestfriend."

"Oh I see will then Miss Jessica."

The man walked up to the bed where I was laying at and stared at me with Dark dull eyes.

"I need you help."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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