With how the two stood out among the crowd, it was easy to say they had almost all of the students' attention. If Madelline were to describe the feeling, she feels as if she was in a movie premiere and was just to enter a red carpet with Jasper as her partner.

"Goddamn, why do you have to look so good?" she murmurs toward him as he lends his arm out for hers to loop into.

Jasper chuckles as he pulls her closer to him. "It's not me they're talking about, darling," he replies before leaning in to whisper into her ear. "It's you," he finished. He left a lingering kiss on her jawline before he guided them inside, ignoring the growing whispers from the people around them.

As soon as they entered, they saw students crowded on the dance floor while Jessica, Angela, Mike, and Eric filled the stage. The four seems to be enjoying themselves with how they danced freely and vibed with their audience.

They immediately noticed the two enter and sent them an enthusiastic wave. Mike sent them a thumbs up, a wide grin plastered on his lips before going back to what he was doing. Jessica sent the girl a wink while the latter gave her an approving nod in regard to her attire.

They continued walking and saw Angela and Eric who were standing by each other. Madelline smirks at the sight of the two before dragging Jasper away in order for them not to disturb the two.

They made their way toward the gazebo where they saw Bella and Edward softly swaying with the music, eyes too busy staring at one another. Edward noticed their presence and looked away from Bella. A smile came to his lips at the sight of the two. Bella followed his line of sight and almost immediately gaped her mouth at the nearing girl.

"Wow," she breathes out. "You look gorgeous, Maddy," she remarks as Madelline and Jasper near them.

Madelline looked ahead of their time. She walked with such grace and filled her strides with an elegance that easily catches anyone's attention. Her skin seems to glow beneath the gazebo lights.

"You look good," Edward commented, patting his brother on the shoulder who smirks in acknowledgment.

"How does it feel to attend prom for the nth time?" he asks, glancing at his brother for a bit.

Edward chuckled as he looks down at his feet. "Nothing new besides the fact this is the only time I attended it with you and Alice."

"Missed us too much?"

Edward scoffed at this and pushed him lightly before returning his attention back to the two girls.

"You look beautiful, Maddy," he tells her the moment he was pulled into a hug by the hybrid.

Madelline smiles at him upon pulling away. "You don't look too bad yourself, Eduardo."

He only smirked at her before he gently places his hand on Bella's lower back, guiding both of them back inside, leaving the couple alone.

Jasper led the two at the center and extends his hand out, the other placed on his abdomen in courtesy. "May I have his dance, ma'am?"

Madelline giggles and places her hand on his. "Yes, you may."

He wrapped her arms around his neck and his on her waist, gently swaying the two of them with soft smiles sitting comfortably on their lips. Their eyes were busy gazing into one another with such fondness in them as they both tried to hold back bursting out of emotion.

It was this certain feeling that seems to bubble inside them—in a good way—that wants to get out desperately. They were so in love with one another that words weren't enough to articulate what and how they feel.



"Why do you still love me? I mean, I'm practically an abomination seeing as I'm both of each species," she sighed.

His eyebrows furrowed at her question. "What brought up this worry, darling?"

She shrugged her shoulders in response. "I don't know. It doesn't feel good to know and boast to everyone that your girlfriend is part demon, right?"

Upon hearing the last part, Jasper stilled the two of them and cups her cheeks with both of his hands. He gently lifted her face up to meet his eyes.

"I will be even more arrogant by the fact that I am in a relationship with the only living hybrid, specifically a part demon. You being one of each does not lessen the love I have for you, okay?"

His topaz eyes seem to drown the girl in the more she stares into her eyes. The amount of love and reassurance was incomparable and fascinating. It got her thinking, how can one love someone so much to the extent of showing it vividly to others unconsciously?

" Love is not supposed to be limited to what and who you were supposed to be. I loved you as it is and I will always love whoever you are and whoever you will be. Because at the end of the day, you will always be the Madelline Smith I've fallen in love with and will continue to do so at the end of times."

He leaned his forehead against hers as they close their eyes in contentment. Jasper could only hope that he was able to convey his feelings and thoughts toward the woman in front of him—the one who currently holds his heart dearly.

✔ | 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍, jasper haleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang