Helping Hand

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"Good Morning (name)" David shouted, waking you from a dream you can hardly remember. "Morning" you reply, a warm smile spreading across your face upon seeing David first thing in the morning. You get up and get ready to start the day, getting extra cleaned up since you would be eating breakfast with David. You looked forward to eating breakfast with Gwen and David. David would probably be talking about how exciting the day is going to be with a big smile on his face and that beautiful, cheerful voice, but that's what made you look forward to breakfast even more.

Upon entering the cafeteria, you notice a really groggy and exhausted look on Gwen's face. "Sheesh," you thought to yourself, "I'll make her some coffee, she seems really tired". While you were making Gwen and yourself some coffee, you thought to yourself, "Might as well make some for that cutie David as well".  You walked towards Gwen and David, somehow managing to hold 3 cups of scalding hot coffee, praying to God that none of it spilled. "Awe, (name) you shouldn't have," said David, a warm smile on his face as he looks at the cup you made him. At that moment, you started to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You smiled to yourself as you blushed.  Even Gwen starts to smile a bit, "Thank you" she said. 

You, Gwen, and David all sat at the table, talking about the activities for today. "We've got a little obstacle course set up outside for the kids to run around in," Gwen said as she sipped her coffee. David shuddered to himself a bit. "Is it me, or is it cold in here?" You noticed that you were pretty warm. "Need a hug?" You replied. David smiles and leaps into your arms. You can't help but giggle to yourself, seeing David with a huge, calming smile on his face as you hug him. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. 

"Thank you (name)," he said, "I needed that", giving you a warm and grateful smile. Your heart absolutely melted at the sight of it.  You simply smile at him, "Anything for you," you say. You smile to yourself as you continue to sip your coffee. "Geez, David is adorable. My baby", you think to yourself. "Alright, think it's time to get everything started" Gwen says. David stands up with that bright, beautiful smile. "Sure is, Gwen!" His voice, it's just so cheerful and beautiful. 

David gathers up all the kids to explain to them what they are going to be doing for the day. Gwen is reading some Lizards in Love story, while you, on the other hand, sit there and listen to David's cheerful voice, gazing at him completely unaware of your other surroundings. Suddenly you were snapped out of it by Gwen. "(name), (name), yoohoo!" you jolted out of your trance and looked at her. "You okay (name)?", to which you reply to her, "yeah...just kind of zoned out for a minute". "Okay, come on," she says. You noticed that everyone else but you and Gwen had left the mess hall. "Sheesh," you thought to yourself, "I never thought daydreaming could make me lose that much sense of reality".

While you were outside with the rest of the crew, you heard David saying to himself, "What? How did THIS happen?" so you go and rush to him. "What's the matter, David?" you ask him. "It appears that this part of the obstacle course has been destroyed," he says, a look of disappointment on his face. "We spent almost all day working on this course." Then, you got an idea. "Hey, why don't I help you rebuild it. I'm sure it won't take long." David's face lit up all of a sudden. "That's a great idea! Thank you!" he said in his gleeful tone. You give him a warm smile, "Anything for you, David," you reply. 

Gwen was reading the same book she was earlier, the kids were having fun in the obstacle course built for them, and you were working on the destroyed part of the obstacle course with David. Thankfully, it was the last one, so you and he could probably get it fixed once the kids arrived at it. While you were working with David, you and he started to chat a bit.

"So, (name), tell me a bit about yourself," David says. Your heart started to pound in your chest. You stutter, "Oh...okay. I'm into (hobby), (another hobby), (interests), and, you know, stuff like that. I guess you can say I'm pretty (character trait) and (character trait), wh...what about you?" David smiles, "Why I'm glad you asked! I guess you can say I'm a pretty kind person, I love camping and nature, and I love my job working here." You smile at David in return, "Oh David, I think you're a very kind person". David places his hand on his heart. "Aww, thanks (name)," he says, "I think you're very kind too." You started to blush again, as well as giggle. Your heart started to beat faster at the possibility of David actually feeling the same way towards you. "Could he actually like me too?" You think to yourself.

Just then, you see David trying to pick up a log. "Could you give me a hand, (name)?" You immediately rush to him in response and help him lift up the log back to where it was. David wipes the sweat from his forehead. "Phew, it looks like we're done here. Thanks for helping, (name)," he says. "No problem," you reply, "I really enjoyed working with you." David smiles, "Aw, thanks. I enjoyed working with you too." You just smile at him and giggle again. And that feeling of recognizing the possibility of David liking you back filled you with even more lovesick joy.

"Okay," David said, "Let's go check on the kids." As you and David walk back to the camp, you both hear a really loud splash. You both turn around to see that the kiddie pool hung upside down by a rope on a branch, and Preston, Nerris, and Harrison all soaked in a puddle of water. Max, Neil, and Nikki are all laughing and pointing at the soaked trio. "Really, Max!" David shouted. "Your obstacle course sucks!" Max shouts in response. David lets out a sigh. You give a warm smile to him, "I think you did a great job," you tell him. David gives a warm smile back to you, "Thank you," he says, "Now, let's get this pool back to the ground". 

After you and David were done getting the pool down from the rope it was hanging on, it was time for lunch. David sits down with you and Gwen as usual. You were just talking with the other two while eating your lunch until David says something to you that just made your heart melt. "You know (name), even though I've only known you for like, two days, I feel like you're a really nice person and we could have a really strong relationship someday." He had that warm smile, sparkling eyes, a calm and caring tone in his voice, and he might have even been blushing a little bit. You almost dropped your sandwich as you heard those words. You start to blush and giggle again. "Why...why thank you, David. That's a very sweet thing to say. I feel like we can have a strong bond in the future too." You smile at David and he smiles back. You started to feel all shy, with a massive amount of butterflies in your stomach. Lunch went by pretty normal, but those kind, sweet words David said to you stuck in your mind like super glue.

After lunch was over, the kids were just hanging out, doing what they normally do, while you were cleaning up the obstacle course with Gwen and David. While you guys continued conversating with each other as usual, you kept thinking to yourself, "Could it be that David feels the same way towards me?  He literally said that maybe we could have a really strong relationship someday. Does that mean being together?"  It was really hard to take those words off of your mind and trying to decipher what they meant. You didn't worry too much about it though, you just kept cool and continued to talk with David and Gwen. You were actually pretty proud of how you kept your cool.

The day had finally come to an end, and while you were getting into bed, you suddenly hear David say your name. "uh...(name)" you swiftly respond to him. He wraps you in a warm hug, and you instantly just melt. He places a hand on your shoulder and gives you that warm smile again, "I've had an amazing day with you, you've been so kind to us. I'm so happy to have you as a part of our team. Goodnight, (name)". You melt all over again, "Aww, that's so sweet of you. I'm happy to be here with you guys. You guys are the best!" You look at David and Gwen and they both are smiling at you. "Goodnight you guys," you say before going to bed. 

As you lie awake in bed at night after thanking God for everything, especially David, you notice that David was still awake as well. "You okay, David?" you ask him. "Huh...Oh yeah, I'm great. I'm just excited about what we're going to do tomorrow. I'd love to chat with you more, but we can't make too much noise when everyone else is sleeping. Goodnight." You smile at David, "Goodnight, David".

Camp Camp David x Reader: My BabyWhere stories live. Discover now