"Remember the night I got shot at the diner?"

Archie nodded, "Yeah, I'm so sorry about that. It was like reliving a nightmare." When he saw the blood seeping through his shirt he thought of what had happened to his own father.

"It wasn't your fault, okay?" FP reassured him before getting to his point. "It wasn't my first time getting shot at Pop's, but in that very moment I was beyond terrified. To think of everything I could have lost in that very moment. I finally had everything I ever wanted again. The love of my life, all of my children, everything." FP reflected on the miracle that was surviving. "I think Alice would have killed me for scaring her half to death if the bullet didn't kill me itself." He lightly joked.

Archie's ears got hot red thinking about it. "That's why I was afraid to call her."

"Anyway, it's easy to have loved and lost as they say. That's why I want nothing more than to marry Alice. Then we could officially live as a happy married couple with the many children we can pester with our love and affection."

"That's pretty sweet, sir. Again congrats." Archie told him before going to join Jughead and Charles in their groomsmen shenanigans.


"You look really pretty, Alice." Jellybean poked into her and her father's bedroom. Betty was helping her mother with her dress. She zipped it up for her just before Alice turned away from the mirror to look at Jellybean. "Thank you, darling. You look so adorable in your dress." She was ecstatic to have her and her daughters as her beautiful bridesmaids. "You girls look lovely in green. I can only imagine how handsome the boys look in their tuxedos."

"Dagwood!" Polly yelled from outside the room. The boy came into the room in nothing but his underwear. His mother followed him in with his suit in her hands. "He won't stay still."

Betty picked up Dagwood and laughed. "Dag, don't you want to look handsome like the other boys?"

"No pants," The two year old chanted.

"I've got him, Polly. Just worry about Juniper."

"She was an angel about it. She's ready." As if on cue the little girl came in with her basket full of petals. She threw a handful into the air. "Honey, not until the ceremony." Polly knelt down to pick up the petals.

"She seems more excited about being the flower girl than he is about being the ring bearer." Jellybean compared the twins' excitement.

Alice felt the happy tears threatening to fall. "Oh, mom. Don't cry. They'll be ready." Polly assured her.

"No, it's not that. I'm just so happy about today. I have my grandkids here. My amazing girls," She considered Jellybean as one of her own. "The boys and..." She choked on her words trying to say FP. "And the man I'm lucky to get to marry today."

"Save the tears, mom. We can cry after the ceremony." Betty put a hand on her shoulder. "Right, Dagwood? Give grandma a kiss." The boy leaned over and pecked a kiss on her cheek.

Alice smiled and pinched his cheeks. "Awe, I love you too, baby. Can you put your pants on now?"

"How do you think my dad and the guys are doing?" Jellybean asked.

"Hopefully better," Polly answered.

The men had their own issues in the apartment. FP was in the bathroom fixing his hair to be picture perfect when he was interrupted by his son. "Dad, I think my suit is kinda big on me."

"What?" FP swerved to look at him. They were all fitted for their suits. How could this be an issue?

"You're wearing Archie's suit, dumbass." Charles came down the hall to yank him towards his bedroom. "Go switch with him. It's tight." Charles turned to their father. "Sorry, you don't need to stress right now."

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