I started to approach him, but he heard me come in. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. His eyes were red from crying a lot. He was mad.

"What do you want!"

NIall pov:

I started crying because I knew I was worthless, I had to many problems. There are so many things wrong with me. That's why they don't care.

I continued to cry not caring anymore. I just wanted out.

I then heard steps coming towards me. I lifted my head to see Zayn.

Zayn went looking for me? I thought.

Even though he was there I continued to sob. I could care less, and I'm pretty sure he could care less as well.

He just stood there looking at me. That made me mad. why wasn't he saying anything?

"What do you want!" I yelled.

Zayn jumped a little to my yelling, but he didn't leave. Why didn't he leave? Does he really care?

Zayn started to walk towards me. When he got close enough he took a seat right next to me. I looked at him tears still falling from eyes. He looked back at me and hugged me.

"It's okay." He said trying to comfort me.

"No it's not Zayn!" I tried to yell, but sobs were all that came out.

"Why isn't it Niall?" He asked letting go from the hug he gave me.

"As if you don't know." I groaned.

"I don't." He responded confusingly.

"The concert."

"Oh that..." Was all he said.

"It's your fault." I said. "All of your guys fault." I continued.

"Nia-" he tried to say, but I cut him off.

"I don't wanna hear it Zayn! You guys continued the show without me! You don't care! None of you do!" I yelled right in his face.

"Niall." He said calmly.

"What!" I screamed.

"It isn't our fault."

"Yea it is Zayn. Please just leave me alone." I said much more calmer.

"Let me explain." He begged.

"No Zayn. Please just go." I told him.

Right then he stood up from his seat and walked away with his head looking down. When he got to the door he turned around and looked at me.

"Niall, theres one last thing that you should know. We care about you so much. You are loved by every single one of the lads, including me. I thought you ought to know that." He said turning to the door and walking out.

Harry's POV:

"Where are they?" I shouted to Liam.

"Calm down Harry. They have to be around somewhere, so keep looking." Liam responded.

"We've been looking for hours!" I over exaggerated.

"It's only been 10 minutes stupid, so stop complaining." Liam said annoyed.

He was right it only has been 10 minutes and I was already over exaggerating, but where the hell were Zayn and Louis? Did they find Niall?

We went looking on stage and saw Louis standing there. What was he doing?

"Hey Boo bear!" I shouted, so that he could hear me.

He heard me and turned around. He didn't look too happy.

We walked towards him to see if he knew anything about Niall.

"Hi Louis." Liam greeted.

"Hi Liam!" He smiled hugging him. "How ya been?" He asked him completely ignoring me.

"Umm... Lou?" I said. He looked at me and rolled his eyes.


There was a long silence after that. You could say that there was a lot of tension in the air. Liam decided to break the silence.

"Where's Zayn?" He asked.

Louis just lifted his arm and pointed to the upper seats in the stadium. Liam and I looked over where he was pointed and saw two people chatting. It was Zayn and Niall.

"Let's go up then." I said started to walk to where Zayn and Niall were.

"No Harry you've done enough. Stay and wait." Liam demanded.

"He's right Harry you've done enough." Louis agreed with Liam.

"Fine." I scoffed.


We waited for what seemed a couple of minutes when all of the sudden we saw Niall stand up from his seat and so did Zayn.

"Do we go now?" Louis suggested.

"Yea lets go." Liam agreed.

"Finally." I mumbled.

We walked up to the upper section of the stadium to where Zayn and Niall were. Once we got up there we saw them talking. Zayn was hugging Niall while they were both crying. It killed me to see them both this way, because after all they were my best mates.

We waited outside the door, because Liam did not want to intterupt what was going on with Zayn and Niall. He thought Zayn had it all under control.

We couldn't really hear they're conversation because they quite far away from them. We waited even longer until we heard someone yell. Niall.

"What!" Niall screamed right at Zayn.

I jumped a little because I truly did not expect this. Niall Yelling wasn't him. It was as if he was a total new person that I did not know at all.

What have I done? I thought.

I really wanted to intervene and I was literaly about to, but Liam pulled me back shaking his head saying "Not yet."

Niall seemed to be much more calmer after that because we no longer heard him yelling. He was talking to Zayn telling him something and pointing to the door at the same time.

Zayn then started to walk towards us. He frowned when he saw us especially at me. He then turned around facing Niall.

"Niall, theres one last thing that you should know. We care about you so much. You are loved by every single one of the lads, including me. I thought you ought to know that." He said turning to the door and walking out.

That's when I couldn't take waiting any longer. I walked right in.


As I said this he stood up from his seat. He didn't even bother to turn around. I completely understood though, he was mad at me. I mean why wouldn't he.

The rest of the lads came in right behind me not saying a word.

I guess this is it. I gotta fix this. I thought.

"I wanna say I'm sorry I've been a douche to you last night. I shouldv'e never pressured you into telling me anything. I know now that if you ever want to tell me anything you would. I never meant to start yelling at you either. I don't know what had gotten into me. You are one of my best mates and I don't want to loose you. I'm sorry Niall, do you forgive me?" I apologized.

There was a long silence after that. No one spoke. I looked around to see that the rest of the lads behind me were nodding their heads.

Niall then turned around and walked towards me. He looked at me in the eyes and said two words that I wont be able to forget.

"I quit." He said walkng out with his head down.


Vote/ comment please ! Next update will be up soon promise.



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