Sweet Dreams, love.

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Rei x Reader

It all started when she got the call. She rushed down the halls of the hospital. Her boyfriend, Rei had passed out while swimming. He was diagnosed with cancer a few years back, and he knew we wasn't gonna make it passed 20. Y/N rushed into the room, he was sitting up talking to his teammates. Makoto, Haru, and Nagisa. "Rei.." She teared up and immediately rushed to his side, hugging him tightly.

"Hey, Y/N, I'm fine. Don't cry.." He pulled her down onto the bed, hugging her tightly. "You're obviously not fine, Rei! You shouldn't be pushing yourself." She cried out. His teammates knew about it as well. They were all worried about him all the time. They dreaded the day they'd say goodbye.

~Present Time~

Rei's condition continued to get worse. It was getting bad. He was stuck in the hospital but, Y/N never left his side. She walked into the room with some books and his favorite drink. "Hey, baby.." She smiled the best she could. Makoto had been helping her through this hard time. Surprisingly, Rin was even worried. She handed him his drink and set the books on his table. "Hey, sweetheart." He smiled. Though he was suffering, he still managed to smile.

She pressed a gentle kiss to his lips and sat in the chair beside his bed. Soon, there was a soft knock on the door. Y/N stood up and opened the door, it was the team plus Rin. She smiled at them and let them in. "Rei! How are you dude?" Nagisa smiled. It was clear there was hardly any happiness behind it. Rei sighed. "Can't you all just be genuinely happy for now? Please? I know it's hard to ask but, for the love of god. Please." They all looked down. "I'm still here. I'm doing well. Please, smile."

"He's right." Makoto spoke. "He's still alive."  He smiled. Genuinely. "Why don't we have a movie night here?" Nagisa suggested. "We have about five hours until visitors have to leave."

It wasn't long before everyone got situated, they began to watch a comedy movie on the TV. Y/N was laying with Rei, cuddling with him. Nagisa and Makoto were sitting in the chairs, and Rin and Haru took the couch thing. Rei smiled at the movie. Y/N always loved his smile, since he was little.

~9 Years Ago~

"Where is it?!" Y/N frantically looked around the playground, she was searching for her necklace that her friend gave her. The chain broke when her bullies were messing with it. Caught up in her thoughts, she smacked into another kid. She waited for the impact of a punch but instead, she heard a gentle voice.

"Are you alright?"

"Y/N, are you alright?" Rei looked at her. He was talking quietly so he wouldn't disrupt the others watching the movie. She smiled and held his hand. "I am so glad I smacked into you that day." She smiled more, "I am too. It's the best thing that could've ever happened."

A few hours later, after everyone left. Rei wasn't looking too well. He was really pale and his breathing was pretty shallow. She knew it was time. "Y/N.." He spoke weakly. "A few months back.. after I got diagnosed.. I wrote a letter for you and the team.. when I pass.. please read it to them." Seems like he knew it was time, too. She grabbed his hand. "Of course I will. I love you, Rei Ryugazaki.." She kissed his pale hand, it was getting cold.

"I love you, too, Y/N L/N." He smiled weakly. "I'm tired.. can we call it a night..?" She nodded. She didn't want him to go to sleep but.. it was time. "Let's cuddle." She spoke softly and crawled onto the bed. He wrapped his arms around her. "I love you so much, Y/N.." He kissed her lips, his eyelids felt heavy. "Get some rest, Rei.. I love you, too." She laid her head on his chest, listening to his shallow heartbeat.

About five minutes later, she heard his heart stop. "Sweet dreams, love.." She whimpered out and crawled off the bed, kissing his cold lips one last time before the doctors came in. They knew it was his time. "I'm sorry.." The doctor spoke. Y/N whimpered. Once the doctors left the room, she pulled her phone out. She dialed Makoto's number as she held Rei's cold hand.

He still had the smile that she always loved on his face. "Hello?" Makoto spoke from the other line. "H-He's gone.." She sobbed out. "No.. Rei.." Makoto's voice was soft.

She looked up to see a blued hair male with red glasses. "Y-Yea.. I'm alright.." He reached his hand out to help her up. "Thanks for being so nice." She rubbed her arm. He smiled. "It's no problem!" He spoke cheerfully, knowing she was upset.

"Rest easy, my gorgeous butterfly.."

Soon, the team was there, even Haru was upset. They could tell he was holding back tears. Makoto stood by Rei's side. "You know.. for a little while after people pass.. they can still hear you.." Nagisa spoke. "It won't be the same without you, Rei.." Nagisa sniffled. Makoto couldn't even speak at the moment. Everything was quiet until Rin spoke up.

"T-This is bullshit! He was okay a few hours ago!" He yelled, tears streaming down his face. Everyone looked at him in shock. "Rin..." Y/N walked towards him, pulling him into a hug. "It was bound to happen soon.." She cried out, softly. He wrapped his arms around her. Soon, they had the team and Y/N leave. Y/N lived alone so Makoto decided to stay with her. She put Rei's belongings on the desk in her room, she pulled out one of his shirts and smelled it. It smelled just like him.

Makoto walked into her room, his heart broke seeing her like that. "Come here.." He pulled her into a hug. She cried into his chest, "I m-miss him so much a-already.." She whimpered out and latched onto Makoto's shirt. "I know.. I do too.."

It was the day of his funeral. Rin, Makoto, Y/N, Haru, and Nagisa were standing at the spot where he was just buried. Y/N  pulled Rei's letter out of her pocket. "U-Um.. guys.." She spoke, her voice cracking. "He left t-this letter for me to read to you guys.." She opened the letter and began to read.

"Hello guys." She started

'I just got diagnosed with cancer a couple weeks ago. Though you guys don't know this, yet. I will definitely not make it to college. I wish that these years didn't have to end. Being with you guys have been amazing. I am so glad that Nagisa was persistent and got me to join the team. I made many amazing friends. You completely changed my life. I am so grateful to have had a friend like you. Haru, you're so inspiring and I know you'll inspire so many other young swimmers in your time. You are so talented and have so much potential. Please use it. Makoto, you have such a big heart. You are a really sweet person and you are also, very talented. I admire you so much and I hope you will continue to teach children your talents. I wish you well, my friend. Rin, even though we got off on the wrong foot, you're an amazing friend and an amazing swimmer. I don't think you'll ever truly realize how much I appreciate you helping me swim. I really hope you swim in the olympics. Y/N.. where do I even begin. You changed my life. I am so happy that I had someone like you to love me and care for me. I love you so much. I wanted a family with you and I really wanted to make you my bride but.. if you're reading this.. I guess that means that won't happen. I want you to find someone new. Get a husband, and have a family. I will be watching over you. Goodbye, team..

- Yours truly, Rei Ryugazaki.'

Y/N put the letter down as her son ran in to the room. "Hey, Ryu." She smiled and picked up her toddler as her husband walked in. "Hey, Makko." She smiled even more as he kissed her cheek. "You ready to go?" He asked, grabbing her hand. She nodded. They were going to visit Rei.

It had been 4 years since he had passed and she still missed him. Makoto didn't care. She loved him. Though her love for Rei was only a memory, she still missed him. But, he was happy she moved on. Very happy.

Word count: 1453

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