Chapter 2

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"Here, this will help." I handed him a cloth to stop the bleeding.

We went over to our bed and sat down

"Thanks, John, I really appreciate it."

He looked up at me and he started blushing as I stared into his beautiful violet-blue eyes. Then, he leaned in and kissed me. Of course I kissed back, to show him how much I loved him. I lowered him down so he was laying on his back and I atop him. I kissed him as he slid his leg in between mine and moved it on a spot that made me let out a moan. I brought my hand up to his neck and started undoing his cravat and he helped me unbutton his waistcoat and white button-up. I started planting kisses down his neck and he play-grinded himself against me.

I pulled the blanket over us and got off from atop him to lay beside him. 

We fell asleep, I spooning him.


I woke up to a pen scratching and looked over to see Alexander at his desk, writing.

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked my friend.

"Writing a report. You know the General's temper, I must finish this, you should get some rest, John"

"Alexander, you're over-working yourself! You need to get some rest, my friend."

Silence. I love my friend more than anything in the world, even more than myself. I hate to see him exerting himself like this. 

"No, you're going back to bed." I picked him up and placed him on our bed. 

"STOP IT, JOHN, PUT ME DOWN AT ONCE!" He tried to get back to his desk, but I stopped him.

"You stay here, I am going to see the General to inquire as to when this report is due and if he may give you a couple days more to finish it." and with that, I walked out of the cabin and to General Washington's quarters.

I found him talking to my good friend, the Marquis de LaFayette.

"Sir, LaFayette," I took a small bow out of respect. I didn't really have to, I suppose, General Washington was like a father to me, even though I had a father, I was always a constant disappointment to him. He blamed the death of my younger brother on me, and has had to give excuses as to why I am not interested in women.

"Hello, Laurens, did you need something?"

"uh- yes sir, I was just wondering if you might be able to give Colonel Hamilton a few more days to finish his report? I worry for him, I fear all the overwork and lack of sleep is hurting him."

"Of course, Colonel. Tell Hamilton, from me, that he may have a week more to write his report. And another thing; tell him that he should get some rest, maybe take a walk to calm his nerves."

"Yes, thank you, I will sir."

We both bowed and I left the house and headed back to Alexander and I's cabin.


"AAAHH!!" he fell off the bed and onto the floor. "ouch- what is it, John?"

"General Washington has given you a week more to finish your report! Isn't that great?"

"Yes, however did you persuade him?"

"Actually, he didn't need any persuading. You know that he treats you like the son he never had, he cares about you, my dear boy."

"Alright then, what shall we do?"

"Let's take a walk."

I know this chapter was short, I've been having terrible writers block. 'ight... thanks for reading, y'all.


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