43. divorce papers!

Start from the beginning

"Ahmed" mama yelled and there I came to my sense. Me and mama ran toward him but he held his palm infront of us.

"Don't come near me" his voice came out as whisper while his forehead became sweaty. He was continuesly running his hand on his chest while his face twisted in pain and in the next second he felt on the ground lifeless.

"Baba!" I screamed at top of my lungs.


Hana's POV

"That's delicious" I complimented muneeb and he bow his head infront of me while his one hand on his heart.

"I'm happy you like my service" he said dramatically and i giggled at his act.

Muneeb just made his special coffee for me and truth to be told it's amazing.

"Well.. that's my secret recipe.. which I know people will like it" he said proudly.

"Mind me telling your special recipe?" I asked expecting he will tell me because honestly I love his hand made coffee.

"Pagal hai kya ( are you mad) it's my secret recipe if I tell you then how will you come to me next time asking for my hand made coffee?" he asked.

"Arre toh.. that's good na.. you don't have to do this for me" I said. As many time I told him to make his hand made coffee cause I was craving for this coffee almost every day.

"And that's the only thing I can do to make you smile" he said in low voice smiling coming closer to me. I raise my eyebrows.

"No. You can do many things for me.. like buying me lots of ice-creams, chocolates ,pickle and some time few junk foods" I said smirking getting up from the bench. We were sitting in the terrace.

"So madam... you already made your mind that you will ended up bankrupting me. With your cravings" he walked behind me while blabbering and grinning like an idiot.

"Don't be so dramatic.. buying me some foods won't make any difference in your bank account. Mr Engineer" I said rolling my eyes.

"You know sometimes I thought if I were a chef. Not only a chef but world's best chef other than engineer so I could make your special food whenever you want" I look at him surprised.

"You know how to cook?" I asked surprised.

"No.. I only know how to make this best coffee" I said proudly flickering his collar.

"With this coffee recipe you wanted to become a world's best chef?" I asked holding back my hard laugh.

"Yeah... You know my coffee is best so it's a big point that can make me best chef" he said grinning.

"Only coffee make you best chef?" I again asked trying really hard to hold back my laugh. He understood that I was mocking him.

"Don't underestimate the power of a commen man's coffee" he said narrowing his eyes at me playfully.

"Really... muneeb" I burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked pouting.

"Cause your so cute" I said pinching his nose laughing. While he was looking at me silently with smiled on his face.

I came downstair leaving muneeb there and walked toward kitchen to put that coffee mug.

As I walked toward my room after placing that mug when aapi called me.

"Hana" I turned and saw her coming toward me. She went somewhere with Nabeel bhai and now she was coming inside the house.

"Yes aapi. Did your important work is done?" I asked as aapi told me before leaving that she was going for some important work.

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