Chapter 8

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"hahh.. there is no place like home." josh

He was now back at home where he walks straight towards their store

"hi mom! Dad! Jade!" josh said as he arrived to open the door to their store

"oh, josh. Im really glad your alright." eva said rushing from the kitchen

"mom, I have already told you over the phone right? Im fine." josh said as he got inside the store

"anyways, how was your trip?" james said who was always at the store

"just good dad, though things have really turned up very messy in the end." josh

"Yes, we could see that in the news." James

"You werent even putting all your power to fighting them, right ya?" Jade

"Nope, i wasnt." Josh

"But why did you let them hit you anyways?" Eva

"Its so that i can measure and analyze if they might be using any other abilities aside from that." Josh

"Why?" Both eva and jade said

"Because one other thing i havent or didnt tell is that when you kill a soul warrior with an animal soul, and eat his soul, you can gain other abilities as well." Josh

"How did you know? And whose telling you all this?" James

"I got many ancient heros souls within me remember? They have already asked the gods themselves everything about being a soul warrior." Josh

"I see. Anyways, get in, lets eat lunch." Eva said pointing at the kitchen

"Alright mom, let me unpack first. Also, you havent finished cooking yet right?" Josh

"Ah, yes. Unpack your things first then." Eva said as they all go back to their positions.

After that, josh told the story of his recent adventure to his parents. Then later in that afternoon, when the store was peaceful once more since all the customers are going back home or to their house..

"Hey son, about your trip in london, why didnt you ask the princess out?" James suddenly opened a topic

"Well, its because shes the princess, i couldnt just ask her out. Shes royalty and im just a commoner from another country." Josh

"But the possibility exists right? So why didnt you? You already had fun with her during your trip right?" James

"Yes, i did have fun, but doesnt mean that we should go out. We havent yet even talk some advanced information about each other." Josh

"Like what advanced?" James

"Like secrets and stuff, we only talked about the basic stuff. Like likes and dislikes and all that." Josh

"I see. So there was progress with you two even if it was just a week of vacation." James

"Well, yeah. Kinda.." josh

"Hi josh! We meet again!" Trina suddenly appeared at the store

"Oh! Trina! Hi! How are you?" Josh said, now starts sweating

"Just fine josh. Oh! Is this your dad! Glad to meet you! Im trina tubod, doctor in training at manila hospital." Trina

"Wow! I see your aquainted with some girls after all josh." James said looking at josh who was forcefully smiling

"Aquainted? We have already shared a bed together, and hate to brag, but hes my first." Trina said shyly

"Uhh.. josh, care to explain?" James

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