Chapter 1

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One day, when everyone was just leisurely shopping in a small mall at tanghub city, about 4 men dressed in military uniform came to the mall.

"Whats your business here sir?" The guard said

"Were here for inspection."

"Inspection? I didnt get any memo about that." Guard

"We just called today, which is why there is no memo for now."

"Oh, alright then. Please wait one moment as i check with the management." Guard

"We cant let you do that though." The leader said as they point their rifle at them.

"Sorry, we cant let anyone in without a memo, specially terrorists." Guard

"Then die here." The leader said as they shot them before the guards could ever bring up their rifles.

With the sound of rifleshots, the people all ran from the front entrance which they came from to go towards the other entrances, whereas the other people didn't run.

"so much for being discreet, right boss?"

"yeah, lets go before they all run away."

"what do we do now boss? Take hostages?"

"kill them all." the leader said with a serious face

With that order, they then started to randomly kill people within the area and ran. Meanwhile, josh was with his dad shopping on the supermarket where he caught a glimpse of the commotion. And as he was worried with his dad, he ran towards the fruits section where he saw his dad.

"dad! Lets hurry up and hide!" josh

"why son? Is there any--"

"there is a mass shooting going on now!" josh

"your kidding right? Is this one of your own--"

"whatever! Stay there for now!" josh

"wait, I will go with you."

"i said stay there! Please promise me!" josh

"alright, fine. I will stay here, so you continue to get the things we need, alright?"

"sure dad." josh said before he ran towards the front of the supermarket. "if dad wont believe me, then I guess I have no other choice but to do it, right partner?"

"thats right. Use your gifts wisely, alright?" a voice inside his head said

Upon reaching to one of the isles and hiding, josh was able to pinpoint now just where one of them were with his hearing of the enemys footsteps. Before the terrorist knew it, he was thrown off guard by josh surprise attack and thrown towards the back of the supermarket, with his herculean strength which left the terrorist fainted. As he now got possession of the terrorists rifle, he then then approached the wide entrance of the supermarket.

"hey kamote 1, where are you?!" the leader shouted as the leader, which was with the others

"boss, maybe kamote 1 is not yet done."

"yeah, probably. Lets all go search for him." leader

As josh went to hide behind a counter, he heard the terrorists footsteps walking towards one of the empty lanes which is yet to have dead bodies on them.

"its now or never." josh muttered

With josh going out of hiding and running towards the terrorists head on, he open fire and killed one of them. And with the terrorist without any room to speak, and with bullets bouncing off of josh as he ran, he was able to catch the terrorists off guard and killed both of them while they were hiding.

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