Chapter 2

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(K. First of all. That pic? Is perf, no questions asked.)

I open the door to the Poseidon cabin and see my worst nightmare come to life. Percy. With a knife. Ready to kill himself. The knife pointing sharp end towards his heart. I swear my heart stopped right there. "Percy! Don't do it!" I yell, running up and smacking the knife out of his hand. "You won't do anything but kill yourself and plunge those close to you into a pit of despair." I continue, taking his hand. "I would be with Annabeth again." He says brokenly. I shake my head in despair and frustration at his ignorance. "Percy, other people need you too." I tell him. 'I need you' I continue in my head. I grab a sea green blanket and throw it around him and myself. Somehow Percy ends up crying on my shoulder. I'm internally squealing with excitement, but I steer my expression to a caring one. (Which wasn't hard) I pet his hair and he almost unnoticeably leans into the the touch. I murmur comforting words, or at least I hope they're comforting. "Percy, I'm staying here tonight. Just to make sure you're okay." I tell him gently. The conch horn sounds for dinner and I gently tug him along to the dining pavilion. I sit him down at the Poseidon table and pull the Hades table up next to it. I get a few weird looks, but they quickly vanish when I send a ferocious glare their way. "Percy here, you need to eat." I push a plate of pizza over to him. He sacrifices a sufficient amount then begins to eat the remaining food. I don't try to start any conversation, knowing that silence is the best option when dealing with loss. I should know. I shake myself out of my thoughts before I become depressed. I look up and see that everyone is heading over to the campfire. I quickly grab a pomegranate and eat it, then guide Percy to the campfire. Which was in no way up-lifting. The Apollo kids tried their best, but the loss of those who died in the war was too great. Sadness was hanging thick in the air. After campfire Percy and I head to the Poseidon cabin. He shuffles (almost zombie-like) over to his bed and lays down, kicking his shoes off. I go and curl up on a spare bed, but I don't fall asleep. I listen as Percy's breathing evens out. That's all I do the entire night, listen to Percy's steady breathing. Until at roughly 3 AM he starts thrashing and whimpering. I get up and walk over to his bed, gently shaking him to wake him up. He finally does 3 minutes later screaming and sobbing. I sit next to him and gather his shaking form into my arms comforting him to the best of my ability. He calms down and I move to get up, not wanting to embarrass him. Except he pulls me down next to him, and cuddles into me, falling asleep. I'm frozen, but I slowly start relaxing, then eventually fall into a deep sleep. I wake up 3 hours shaking a little and sweating profusely. I get up and splash water on face, effectively stopping the panic attack that was coming. I take a few deep breaths then sigh. Climbing back into bed with Percy, but I don't fall asleep again. Later Percy wakes up and his beautiful sea green eyes meet my dull, tired, dark brown eyes. "Good morning." I say, instinctively kissing the top of his head. "G' mornin'." He mumbles sleepily, snuggling into my clothed chest. I chuckle quietly and discreetly take in his scent. Mmmm, he smells like sea salt and coconut. I sigh contentedly. I could get used to this...

(If ya want Percy's POV go on over to my lil sis' page and read her half of the story! And maayyyyybe hit the follow button while you're there? Please? For me? *cue baby seal eyes* Grey_Princess_ go check her out!!!! Please!!!!)


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