Do you even care?

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Bokuto tried his best to edge the pots out of the cupboards and quietly slice the carrots. Akaashi had fallen asleep on the couch while watching a video on his phone. The concoction on the stove had started to reach a slow simmer and he put the lid over the pot. He wasn't sure what the lid was supposed to do, but the recipe said to put it on, so he did. The recipe also said to let it simmer for half an hour, so he set a timer on his phone.

He didn't know what to do now. Akaashi was asleep and he didn't want to wake him, so he had to find a way to entertain himself. He decided to get Akaashi a blanket. He opened the door to his friend's bedroom and looked at the bed. He ignored the heat in his cheeks as he picked up the blanket and walked backed to the living room. He placed the blanket gently over Akaashi, who still had a reddened nose.

Bokuto walked back to the kitchen and checked on the soup. He rested his weight against the counter top, and stared at the unlit candle on the coffee table across the room, hoping it would spark an idea in him. His gaze drifted to Akaashi's dining table, and then to the setting sun outside the window. An idea was sparked.

His moves were frantic as he moved around the kitchen and dining area, but he made sure to keep quiet whenever he opened a cupboard or set down a plate. The dining table was soon dressed with a white table cloth, two bowls and spoons to match with a candle lit in the centre of the table. He looked at his timer, 15 minutes to kill. A packet of napkins was laying in one of the kitchen drawers. Bokuto took them and made his way to one of the chairs in the living room.

One fold after another, almost mindlessly, the napkin in his hand started to take the shape of an owl. He looked over to Akaashi. His eyes didn't have the strain they usually did, he seemed clam. He was sleeping on his back, which Bokuto found weird. He could only fall asleep on his stomach, it felt natural. He finished a second owl and placed one in each bowl. The timer read 2 minutes, that seemed like enough time.

He turned it off and took the pot of the stove. He looked at the soup he had done and smiled. His mother usually cooked for him so he didn't get to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, but he found it fun. Akaashi lived alone. He moved out of his parent's home a few months ago so he could be closer to the school, and he seemed to like his independence. His parents still came over every other weekend though.

Bokuto walked over to the couch and crouched down next to Akaashi's head. His breaths were slow, deep, and even. A strand of hair rested on Akaashi's right eye. Bokuto gently brushed it back, and ran his hand lightly through Akaashi's bouncy hair. A smile found itself on Akaashi's face. Bokuto stared, his eyes open wide like an owl's. The smile was followed by a soft giggle, and the giggle was followed by soft words from Akaashi's mouth, "Bokuto, what are you doing?".

Bokuto stood up instantly, his hands waving frantically in front of him, "I- uh- i wasn't- THERE'S SOUP". Akaashi rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked at the blanket over him. He then looked at the dining table, which was set nicely and lit with a candle. Bokuto waited for Akaashi to walk over before following him to the dining table. Akaashi picked up the napkin owl and looked at it, "Owls, you're favourite. They're cute."

Bokuto looked at him as he sat down at the table, "Yeah! They're your favourite too, right?". Akaashi looked at Bokuto, contemplating on whether his answer would send him into emo mode, "No, they're not". Bokuto leaned in towards Akaashi, "Whaa? Then what's you're favourite animal?". There was a short pause, and Akaashi looked down at his soup, "Cats". An ungodly gasp came from Bokuto, "TRAITOR!".

"I like owls too. I just think cats are neat". Bokuto looked down at his owl, "Huh, I didn't know that".

The two ate, and briefly talked about what Akaashi missed during practice. When they finished, Akaashi began collecting the plates to do the dishes, but was interrupted by Bokuto, "Hey hey hey! You're sick! You shouldn't be working dummy". Akaashi handed him the plates, and looked him up and down suspiciously before walking around to lean against the back of the couch.

Bokuto glanced up as he did the dishes to see Akaashi staring at him curiously, "Hey hey, why don't we watch a show on Netflix?". Akaashi picked up the remote sitting on the coffee table and switched the TV to Netflix. Akaashi looked back at Bokuto, "Brooklyn Nine-nine?". Bokuto perked up, "YES! That's my favourite!"

"I know", said Akaashi nonchalantly.

Bokuto frowned, "Hey Akaashi, what's my favourite colour?". Akaashi answered instantly without turning around, "Blue, but the steel kind, not the sky kind". Bokuto didn't know Akaashi's favourite colour. He didn't seem to know his favourite TV show or his favourite animal. He only knew his own, he felt selfish, like a bad friend. He turned off the kitchen tap and dried his hands before taking a seat next to Akaashi on the couch.

Akaashi switched his focus from the TV to Bokuto's slouched posture and furrowed brows "What's wrong?". Bokuto didn't switch his focus from the TV, "Nothing's wrong". Akaashi shook his head, "Something is wrong, I know you". Bokuto finally looked at Akaashi, his eyes sad and glistening, "Yeah but I don't know you. You know all of my favourite things but I can't name a single one of yours, I'm selfish and a bad friend, I'll go home".

Bokuto started to get up from the couch but Akaashi grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back down, "You don't have to know me, people express their lov- fondness for people in different ways. I show you I care by remembering things about you, and I know you care because of all the effort you put in, you drove here to check on me, cooked me dinner, and tried to cheer me up with watching a show with me and by making me your owl thing. I know you care. I know."

Bokuto took a deep breath, he felt a tightness in his throat, "Thanks Akaashi, that means a lot". The two look at each other, and Bokuto began to lean in. Bokuto felt Akaashi's eyes on his lips, his breath hot, but right as their lips were about to touch, Akaashi pulled back, "You'll get sick". Bokuto smiled, "This is the only time you'll hear me say this but, I don't care".

What do we think? I found it fun to write this one. Hope you're all doing well and eating enough!

This is the end, thanks for reading!

Sickly Setter (Bokuto x Akaashi)Where stories live. Discover now