
On the side where Yuzuriha was collecting small branches, Tsukasa snuck up on her and took her hostage.


Back to the two scientists.

They were beside each other kneeling in front of the fire peacefully. (Y/n) felt like it was the end of them. At the moment, she's been experiencing series of fun and thrill, but this was the very first time she could say that she was frightened to the point where she felt like running away at any given moment.

Senku, on the other hand, looks as calm as a person waiting for scrolling through social media. Well, that is on the outside. But mentally, he was a little anxious, considering how illogical his choice was, giving his gut feeling a chance of finally showing up. 

Hearing two pairs of footsteps, getting louder with every step, (Y/n) resisted the urge to look, afraid of knowing who they were.

Senku looked behind him without turning his head and smirked. "'If weapons of science enter the scene,'" He stood up and turned his head. "'I won't be the most powerful anymore.'" He said with a very amused expression on his face. "You look like you're about to throw a tantrum, Tsukasa."

(Y/n) was frozen in place, shaking in fear and frustration. When she slowly turned around, there she saw a horrifying sight. "Yu - Yuzu-Nee?" She trembled.

"You could put it that way." Tsukasa smiled, holding the trembling Yuzuriha by the shoulder with a blade underneath her neck. "If you make weapons of science and revive the older generations, they'll begin fighting over established interest, and we'll be right back in a tainted world." He said in a serious tone. "I don't mind getting my hands dirty in order to stop that."

"So you have to kill Science man Senku here, huh?" He laughed. "America would be moved to tears by your merciful death sentence."

"Yeah, but first," He said. "Would you mind giving me the recipe for the petrification revival fluid?" He asked, confident that Senku would tell him with the girl they just revived in his hands with a blade pointed at her neck.

Senku hesitated for a moment and cracked his head. "Sorry, but I'm not as merciful as you are." He said. "I can only look at things logically." He turned around making the impression that he doesn't really care about the girl in the long-haired male's arms. "I don't care one millimeter what you do with the woman. There are plenty of females around---"

The sudden shock of Yuzuriha's gasp caught the two's attention. Her hair was cut off into a bob cut. She was trembling with fear.

Senku and (Y/n) were shocked.

"Don't try to negotiate, Senku." Tsukasa confidently said. "You never buried Yuzuriha. Your best move was to bury Yuzuriha somewhere far away while she was petrified. That way, She'd never been taken hostage." He said. "There's no way you couldn't have thought of something that even I did." He looked at the girl beside him. "But you didn't." he turned his gaze back at Senku. "Was it for Taiju, for (Y/n) or for Yuzuriha? No, it was for all of them. 

The scientists' eyes widened in realization.

This person could not be moved by reverse psychology alone.

"You call yourself logical, but you have friends that are precious to you." He pointed out. "I have plenty of admirers, but I have no one I'd call precious." He smirked. "That's why I win, Senku." 

Yuzuriha chuckled, making everyone shocked out of their minds. "I actually appreciate that." She said, feeling up her short hair. "Washing my hair is a pain in this world." She took Tsukasa's blade and pointed it on her neck by herself. "Don't tell him, Senku-Kun. As long as he doesn't know the recipe of the revival fluid, Tsukasa-Kun can't kill you." She put the blade closer to her neck.

"W-wait, Yuzu-Nee, you can't be serious." (Y/n) said with a nervous chuckle, standing up. 

Yuzuriha smiled. "I don't mind." She said. "But, you have to survive so that you can secure everyone's future."

Senku was sweating heavily, already decided to tell him

Until he was cut off. 

"The fluid is a compound of nitric acid and alcohol!" The female scientist said, with the tone of anger in her voice. "Filter the miracle water from the cave and mix it with distilled alcohol about ninety-six point forty-two." Her voice cracked. "the ratio is thirty percent miracle water to seventy percent alcohol. If you're off by a few percentage, the reaction won't happen, so fine-tune it using a petrified bird or a feather." Her eyes were brimming with tears. 'No regrets . . .' She thought.

Yuzuriha was crying. Senku was shocked and angry.

'Idiot! Do you think he's gonna let me off if you tell him?! You'll kill yourself!'

"I'm the one who taught Senku the formula!" She lied. "so please . . ." She was brought to tears and went down to her knees. "Kill me . . ."

"Not him . . ."


Is this story any good though? How are you reading this😱😱😱

Mad Scientists (Senku x Reader) Under major editing??? I guessUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum