Ben stopped and cowered a little at the line he crossed.

"Now everyone calms down. I want the rest to come in the living room to be introduce to our new-"

"Im not your new member."

"Annoyance to the group."

Ben amused hearing annoyance on his face and the skeleton honesty. Watch Jeff nudge Error to follow him with Smiley loyally next by him. EJ close to them. Sally and Lazari chattering with the guy, he thinks guy from the voice and clothing, and just listens to them. Toby following long happily. Hoodie and Masky close by as they follow them. Slenderman just standing and rubbing his forehead.

Well this will be a new game with a new character in the mix.

Few minutes later.

"Is this everyone?"

"The rest are still on missions but should be back tonight or tomorrow."

"Hmm fine and he doesn't need to see the others unless they visit."

"Im right here you know."

"On that note everyone this Error." Slenderman move a bit for everyone to introduce themselves.

First, person Error sees come up was young woman who was 5'8. Wore a long sleeve black sweater and black paints. She has long silky black hair, porcelain pale skin, worse black lipstick, and has solid black eyes.

"So, you're the one the waste of space been staying with."

"Error ignore the witch."

"Why? She talking to me and not going to be rude."

"Your always rude."

"Im not being rude now talking to her." Glance at her. "So, your Jane."

"So, he does talk about me."

"One way to put it." Talking really ranting about her and wishing to kill her. But something happens for the two too have an understanding and at least work together on the Slenderman. What was it Error doesn't know? Then again he remembers Jeff mentioning she has a girlfriend here.

"Oh Jane he the one that made your Cross Puppet!" Sally exclaimed happily.

"Wait. What?'' Jane taken a little back along with now noticing the girl's new dresses. It was too adorable.

"Yeah, he made all our puppets and that you dress too wear on your date."

Error stares and then snap his finger. "xxDONTGOTOSLEEPxx"

"Excuse me." She was a bit taken back he knew her username.

"Yeah you bought that black dress with the black corset, with the red stitching like spirals around along with a black strapless br-"

"Yes, that's me!" Jane blushing bright at the reminder. Glared at a few snickering members in the group. "Have to say im impressed."

"Plus, Jeff says you say Don't Go to sleep to your victims."

"...Fair enough."

"Have to say all your usernames are too connected to you personally once I realized it going through orders and from Jeff. Jeff username no better either."

"I don't buy your stuff!"

"But your PlayStation account says something different."

"Shut up Ben."

"Yeah, yeah." Ben comes up. "Im Ben Drowned not Zelda."

"You both still look the same."

"I don't look like her!"

~The Puppetmaster~(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now