"Wasn't my place to tell him what to do" Bella shrugs, ignoring the look Carl was giving her as she leaned against the kitchen counter.

Lip walked over to her and she kissed his cheek before he went to the table to sit down and eat his breakfast. "What'd you do last night after Carl ditched you?" He asks the teen, suspicious of the fact that Bella apparently just let him leave her alone to get his neck sucked on.

"Nothing much" The Latina dismisses, looking around. "Just watch some movies" And the older Gallagher nods at her words.

Fiona sipped her coffee amusedly and that was when she noticed it. There was a dark spot towards the back of Bella's neck. She craned her neck, squinting her eyes to get a better view. "What is that?" The woman asks, stepping forward and grabbing Bella's chin.

"What's what?" The teen asks nervously as Fiona moves her hair to one side and tilts the girl's head.

The eldest Gallagher ran her thumb against the side of her neck and gasped at the foundation that she had unknowingly rubbed off to reveal another dark spot. "C'mon Bella! I expected better from you" She teases and the girl broke free of her grip.

"I don't know what you're talking about" She says, walking to the table and Lip gets up.

He leans forward to look at the spot and grins at the bruise. "Oh yeah, that's a hickey if I've ever seen one" Lip says amusedly, putting his bowl in the sink.

Bella gasped, opening the door to the bathroom and grabs a little mirror with her back facing the one above the sink. She lifts it up to inspect the back of  her neck and groans at the purple spot.  "God damn it Carl!" She scolds and he grinned proudly, giving Lip a high five before he left.

Bella closed the bathroom door, leaning against it as Debbie and Fiona stared at her. "I knew it was you" Fiona chuckles to herself, shaking her head. "I just had a feeling"

Debs looked at her disappointedly before speaking. "This is somehow worse than if it really was Ellie and Holly who gave them to him" The redhead stood up and put her plate in the sink as Bella sat next to Carl.

"Sup babygirl?" He asks and she punched him in the arm, making him wince in pain. "Hey! You can't be mad at me! You're the one that got yourself caught"

Bella finally cracked a smile, sighing loudly and she turned her head to face him. "You're right" She could tell that the fact that he was actually right about something for once went straight to his head.

"Course' I am" Carl says, pecking her lips and getting up to put his bowl away.

After a whole day of handing out flyers for Debbie's party it was finally time

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After a whole day of handing out flyers for Debbie's party it was finally time. Bella and Carl decided to just share one of Frank's homemade beer after being advised from the man himself to not drink too much of it unless they wanted to wake up the next day not knowing where they were. Carl was the first to take a sip and instantly scrunched up his face at the bitter liquid.

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