A Mask Of Virtue

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"And who are you?" Louis inquired, determined to uncover the leopard's identity.

"Hey! I asked you first!" the leopard retorted, a mischievous smirk spreading across his face.

"If you want to fit in, you'll need a mask. You can get one from the wardrobe right around the corner," the leopard pointed in the direction of the wardrobe. Louis noticed that the leopard himself was fully exposed, not wearing a mask—an act that seemed out of place.

As the leopard walked away, blending into the crowd, Louis couldn't shake off the strange feeling about him. There was an aura of mystery surrounding this party, and he had to navigate through it to find Legoshi and the beastar.

Walking through the chaotic gathering, Louis couldn't help but feel a mix of disgust and intrigue. The attendees, both carnivores and herbivores, indulged in pleasure-seeking and excess, temporarily suppressing their instincts for a taste of a more peaceful existence. But it all felt artificial, a façade hiding the true essence of their identities.

Reaching the changing room labeled "Masks," Louis hesitated. The idea of putting on a mask and pretending to be someone else didn't sit well with his pride. He stood there, contemplating, as a woman walked out. She had beautiful lion stripes covering her body, her presence captivating. However, she wore a deer-shaped mask, concealing her own beauty. It perplexed Louis—why would someone hide their true nature and seek tranquility at such a party? The woman passed by, emanating the scent of a carnivore, further deepening Louis's confusion.

Remembering his purpose, Louis decided against wearing a mask. He didn't come here to enjoy the party but to find Legoshi and the beastar for investigation. He bypassed the wardrobe and began to wander through the gathering, searching for any signs of them. The sheer number of attendees overwhelmed him, with activities and behaviors more commonly associated with the black market than a high-class event. Strippers danced on tables, shamelessly exposing themselves, and couples engaged in intimate acts regardless of species or gender. It was a chaotic scene, and Louis couldn't fathom why Legoshi would be present in such a place, accompanied by the beastar.

As he surveyed the partygoers, Louis spotted a tall figure exiting the party. It had to be Legoshi; the resemblance was striking. Thoughts of shouting to get his attention crossed Louis's mind, but he noticed someone walking alongside Legoshi. The figure was shorter, without a mask, and Louis wondered if it was the beastar. He stood there, frustrated, torn between following them or letting them be. Contacting Legoshi seemed futile, as he wouldn't disclose any information. Just then, a hand landed on Louis's shoulder—it was the leopard from earlier.

"So, do you just come to parties to observe? This isn't a museum, you know," the leopard remarked, laughing at his own joke. Louis maintained a serious expression, observing the leopard in return. He appeared powerful and strong, embodying the essence of a true carnivore.

"Sorry, I don't have time to talk right now," Louis responded in a serious tone, intending to continue his search.

The leopard leaned in, growing more curious. "Then what the hell are you doing here? You don't seem to be enjoying yourself," he pressed.

Taking a deep breath, Louis replied, "This party disgusts me." He glanced back at the chaotic scene, a mixture of anger and confusion etched on his face.

"Oh?" the leopard inquired, stepping closer. "Tell me more."

Louis turned to face him, his emotions evident. "I don't understand why these carnivores behave like this—putting on masks, hiding themselves, getting drunk to fit in. It's sick, it's weak."

"Weak? I don't think so," the leopard countered, adopting a more serious tone. "These carnivores are strong, incredibly strong. I can vouch for that. Imagine living a life where you have to suppress your instincts just to fit in with society. Being feared and treated like a delinquent because of your fangs—a part of yourself that you can't change. It's hell. The weaker ones end up in jail or dead on the streets." The leopard's words resonated with Louis, leaving a lasting impression.

"Come, follow me," the leopard suggested, leading Louis upstairs toward the windows. The two stood side by side, peering out, their silence hanging heavy in the air.

"There, outside, carnivores like us need to suppress our urges. In here, we can let go and be whoever we want to be. It's quite simple, really," the leopard explained, his hand resting against the window.

Louis absorbed the leopard's words, starting to see the party in a different light. It wasn't merely a mindless spectacle of drunken revelry and despair. Suddenly, a gray wolf caught Louis's attention outside the window, accompanied by a gazelle with leopard-like characteristics—a hybrid. The sight intrigued Louis, but his focus shifted when he noticed the hybrid pulling out a gun. His heart skipped a beat as a wave of panic washed over him. What had Legoshi gotten himself into?

"Hey, are you okay?" the leopard asked, noticing the sudden change in Louis's demeanor. He, too, witnessed the unfolding horror.

"Oh, shit," the leopard exclaimed.

Time seemed to stand still as the trigger was pulled, and a gunshot pierced the air. Louis's body froze, his breath catching in his throat. Legoshi, his blood staining the grass, plummeted to the ground, succumbing to the violence that unfolded before them.

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