"Form Voltron!" Shiro ordered. We formed Voltron as told. I stood up and let the light surround me as my Lion split into armor, but something felt different.

Voltron flew out of the space pocket and punched the Robeast back, diverting its attack away from the Castle in the space pocket. The red light from its attack hit several of the crystals above, making then explode.

But the attack was enough to cause some damage. The space pocket generator was hit and the disguise was let down.

"We're exposed! The space fold has been lowered!" Allura shouted.

"Well, there goes Ulaz." Coran added.

I looked to my side and saw an escape pod leave the Mamoran base.

"I knew we should never trusted a Galra." I heard Allura grumble.

Voltron continued to punch the Robeast back, far away enough to keep it out of Castle reach.

"Let's light this thing up," Shiro said, "Fire lasers."

The Green and Red Lions fired their lasers at the Robeast. Each time a laser hit, the beast was pushed back and it seemed as if we had the upper hand on this enemy, however it didn't happen that way.

The Robeast turned around and sucked in more clusters.

"He's pulling more ammo!" Pidge said.

"Move, move, move!!" Shiro exclaimed as we quickly moved out the firing path.

As we flew away, the laser followed us and ignited more xanthorium crystals behind us. We were blown from the side and my right arm and leg immediately felt the pain from the damage we took.

I gripped the handles tightly, my knuckles turning white from my grip as I swallowed the pain

We flew away from the Robeast right before he was prepared to attack.

"Lance, Hunk, give me full reverse boosters!" Shiro ordered.

Lance and Hunk gave us reverse boosters before we hit a xanthorium cluster. But suddenly, we were showered in a purple light and pulled backwards along with some of the clusters.

We activated our boosters and tried to fly away, but the force pulling us was strong and we could barely make any progress for our escape.

"This thing wants to eat us like we're a space taco!" Hunk exclaimed.

We landed on its mouth and resisted being sucked inside. My entire body felt the strain Voltron was feeling.

"Can't get free." Shiro grunted as the Robeast forced us closer to it.

I saw the power levels of each Lion getting low. There was no way we could handle this strain for long

"I'll make him back off!" Keith shouted as a dagger formed in the red lion's mouth.

Keith shoved the dagger into the robeast, making it groan in pain and let us go due to the shock. We took the chance and flew far away from him.

"We've gotta keep some distance between us and that robeast!" Shiro shouted as the robeast prepared to fire again.

It fired again and again hitting the xanthorium clusters around us.

I felt the force of Voltron as we were tossed back and forth by the exploding xanthorium clusters. The lights around my limbs turned red and flickered just as the alarms would do.

The robeast came closer after we escaped the explosions, attempting once again to suck inside it.

"It's trying to pull us in again!" Hunk shouted.

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