"Yeah, but I don't want her to cry," (Y/N) hissed, "Cover 'em."

Toby rolled his eyes and sat down.

"Okay Goober, come here," he said as he covered Sally's eyes with his hands.

"Wha— Toby I cant see!" Sally said.

"We're playing a game!" Toby lied, "It's spot the difference. When I uncover your eyes, something will have changed."

Sally gasped and said,

"Oh, okay!"

(Y/N) aimed her gun before looking down at Sally, who was happily bobbing her head back and forth.

"Cover her ears," She whispered to Toby.

"I can't," he whispered back, nodding to Sally's eyes.

"Tell her to do it."

Toby nodded and turned to Sally.

"Hey kiddo, we also need you to cover your ears."

"Okay!" Sally said cheerfully, and clamping her hands over her ears, humming a tune to herself.

(Y/N) looked back at the doe, who was now calmly observing her surroundings. With one final aim, (Y/N) pulled the trigger.

With a loud crack, the deer fell to the ground.

"What was that?" Sally asked as (Y/N) booked it eagerly to the deer.

"Um..." Toby racked his brain for an answer, "Some kids are camping here and brought firecrackers."

Over at the carcass, (Y/N) was tearing the deer apart limb from limb. Making sure she left no evidence behind, she lapped up every last drop of blood and threw the bones into a bush.

She dipped her hands and face into the creek and washed off the mess before picking a few water lilies. When she came back to Toby and Sally, she crouched in front of them and said,

"Okay, open your eyes!"

Toby removed his hands from Sally's face and she gasped in glee.

"The deer's gone. But look! They're so pretty!" She crooned as (Y/N) gently placed the flowers into her hands.

Sally instantly wove them into her flower crown, then placed it on (Y/N)'s head.

"Aw, thank you sweetheart," (Y/N) smiled.

Toby finished the last loop on his and plopped it onto Sally's head.

"I declare you queen Sally," he said in a deep medieval voice, tapping his hand on both of her shoulders.

"As queen, I declare that now we shall go home," Sally said, pointed the opposite direction in the forest.

"Yes your majesty," Toby said, "Would you like for me to summon your steed?"


Toby got on his hands and knees and whinnied. (Y/N) smiled and shook her head as Sally climbed onto his back again. Toby proceeded to walk on all fours, Sally laughing with joy and (Y/N) walking slowly beside them.

Halfway home, Toby's palms and knees were drenched in mud and he was panting for breath. Looking down at him, (Y/N) asked,

"Are you regretting your decision yet?"

"Ugh... never," He grunted.

"Faster horsey!" Sally cheered.

Tony groaned and continued to crawl faster.

When they finally arrived home, Sally clambered off of Toby's back and ran inside. Once the door closed behind her, Toby's arms and legs gave out and he collapsed on the ground.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," (Y/N) sighed, yanking him up by his arm.

"You try carrying her all the way through the woods," he panted.

"I will once you feel physical pain again."

Toby faked a foot cramp, pretending to cry out in pain, but (Y/N) just smiled and walked inside.

"Come on, that was good!" He called after her.

"I'm pretty sure most people don't say 'I'm crinkling' when their foot is cramping," she said over her shoulder.

I'm the living room, she was surprised to find Jeff with Smiles under his arm. Smiles was gagging as Jeff was forcing his fingers down his throat. Ben was just reaching for the brownie on the end table with a slobbery bite taken out of it.

Hoodie and Masky walked into the room together to see what the commotion was. Hoodie ignored the choking sounds and walked over to (Y/N), while Masky ran over to help Jeff with his dog.

Once Hoodie approached her, (Y/N) lifted her hands up to her head and took off the flower crown. Reaching up, she gingerly placed it on his hooded head and adjusted it before bopping his nose.

"You look very pretty," (Y/N) teased.

"Not as pretty as you," Hoodie teased, quiet enough for only her to hear.

(Y/N) momentarily froze up, and Hoodie seemed to also. That was the first time he had even remotely flirted with her.

"T-Thanks," she stammered as she felt the heat rise up her face.

Hoodie stayed silent for a few more moments before asking,

"Tomorrow, can we go on a walk? I... I need to tell you something."

"Of course," she smiled.

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