8 Both Cats

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Have you ever met someone who thinks they are so good at keeping secrets, but every time they open up their mouth they give away their big secret a little bit at a time? Well, that's what happens every time I talk to the Cullens. It seems like they are hiding something as big as what I'm hiding from them. I've always wanted to try to read their minds to at least try to figure out this big mystery, but every time I try it's nothing that's giving away anything, but when Alice starts to talk about their life, that's when I start to get clues.

" Oh no, we don't eat" Alice spoke up after I tried to give her a piece of my gum. Edward quickly shot her a sharp look before Alice quickly added to her statement. " We're vegetarian!" Alice almost shouted at me. " Well I'm not sure what vegetarian had to do with gum, you could have just said no," I grumbled while putting the piece of gum back into my pocket.

Do you understand how weird the Cullens are now? I can't put my finger around Edward either, he is so closed off all the time and when he finally opens up he talks as if he is from another time. Always putting me first, always being super polite. I haven't met a teenage boy in this century who acts that politely

" Are you ready to go Allison?" Edward asks while holding the door to his Volvo open. As soon as I was about to respond I was pushed into the car with very small pixie-like hands. Alice soon scooted in right next to me with the biggest smile on her face. " Of course she's ready!" Alice squeals while giving me an awkward hug in the tight space we have. Jasper and Edward just shared a look and shook their heads while they got in the car. Edward quickly turned on the car and off we went to the mysterious Cullen house.

I'm not sure if it was Edward's speed or the constant babbling from Alice, but I started to get this weird feeling in my stomach. It didn't quite feel like sickness, but it also made me feel like I was about to vomit all over Edward's clean leather seats. The silver Volvo came to a quick stop so I finally opened my eyes, hoping the stop of the speed made my sickness decrease. I was wrong.

" I am so excited for you to meet Emmett and Rosalie!" Alice squealed once again before basically ripping me out of the car, again. As soon as I got a glance at their house my jaw basically dropped. The house is absolutely beautiful. The open windows and surrounding woods. Papa Cam would die if he saw this house. " I'm going to have to tell Esme that you love her house," Edward whispered in my ear before Alice tugged my arm to follow her. I quickly give Edward a small smile before getting dragged into the house. " We will start with a tour of the house before we introduce you to Emmett and Rosalie," Alice told me before dragging me around once again.

{ Edward's P.O.V.}

This feels wrong. This feels like I'm bringing someone to their execution. Bringing Allison here feels like I'm bringing her to her own murder. Her blood is so tempting to even Carlisle and now I'm bringing her into a den full of vampires. How did anyone ever think this was a good idea. Alice can literally talk someone into buying a rock. " I still can't believe that you brought her here," Rosalie sneered, " Carlisle is going to know that she was here the minute he walks through the door, her smell is everywhere." " Oh lighten up Rose," Emmett chuckled and put his big bear sized arm on her slim shoulders, " You only live once!" My eyes seemed to roll back in my head at Emmett's sarcastic comment. Jasper seemed unamused by this also. " Do you not realize how much trouble this could get us in if she finds out!" Rosalie harshly whispered. This only caused Emmett to roll his eyes and Jasper to freeze up. Jasper must have felt my stress as flashbacks from the other encounters with the Volturi go through my mind. As Rosalie was about to open her mouth to make another snide comment, I noticed Alice skipping into the room with Allison following in suit. My eyes quickly met with hers. Her gaze seems to make my frozen heart feel the warmth. I couldn't look away. If only I could read her thoughts to find out if she feels the same way. " How was the tour short stuff?" Emmett questions Allison while rubbing her hair as if she was some kind of dog. " Your home is beautiful, my papa would be pretty jealous if he ever saw it." Allison quietly muttered with a confused look on her face.

" Let me introduce our brother and sister!" Alice basically shouted out in the quiet room. " The big teddy bear over there is Emmett." Emmett wrapped Allison up in a tight bear hug which caused Allison to scrunch up her nose. Jasper let out a slight chuckle when he noticed her uncomfortable face. " Now don't let Alice fool you, I'm no teddy bear," Emmett told her while trying to act tough. This caused Rosalie to snort, Allison's eyes quickly snapped to where she was sitting. " And of course this is Rosalie!" Alice squealed while waving her hand in Rosalie's direction. Rosalie quickly gave Allison a harsh glare and began flipping through a magazine. The room grew quiet once again. The awkward silence grew as no one could think of a topic to discuss. All of a sudden, a gurgling sound filled the room. Allison quickly covered her stomach and she quickly blushed as red as a drop of blood. " I laid out a cheese plate for tonight, help yourself!" Alice chimed. Allison quickly gave a look of confusion then fright. She seemed as if she didn't want to go anywhere near that cheese plate. " You told me you love cheese." Alice told her with a slight hint of confusion, " Come on, No one is going to bite!" Allison quickly stiffened up at her remark, she still seemed conflicted about going to eat the cheese plate, but another loud gurgling sound from her belly seemed to tell her she lost the battle. Still slightly embarrassed, she walked over to the small wooden table by the kitchen. I watched her intently as her eyes lit up with excitement while looking over all the different types of crackers and cheeses that Alice selected. As soon as she picked up the small cheese knife everyone tensed up. Everyone started to have flashbacks from Bella's birthday party. What happened next was, of course, the result of karma from hiding this from Carlisle. A single drop of Allison's delicious blood fell on the cheese-covered crystal plate. The world seemed to freeze. It stayed frozen until Jasper lost control. Emmett quickly rushes over to pin down Jasper, who wants nothing more to rip Allison's throat open. Alice starts to whisper in his ear to try and stabilize him, but his eyes are still black and his thoughts are all about blood.

" Allison, why don't we leave the room to get you bandaged up?" I calmly question her while I carefully walk towards her, trying to calm my own thirst. Before I could get to her though, Jasper broke free from Emmett's hold and began rushing towards Allison. Thankfully before he could get too close to her a blonde flash flew before my eyes and knocked Jasper to the ground.

" Edward got Allison to my office, Emmett helped Alice take Jasper hunting," Carlisle ordered quickly. Esme walks into the room while I try to get Allison, who's frozen in her spot, to follow me to the office.

"Looks like the cat is out of the bag," Emmett mumbles while carrying Jasper out in a tight bear hug. And of course, Alice had to reply " Both cats." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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