5/5 The curtain call

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The new building was shiny. Hell some even said it sparkled. New posters, new animatronics. It was nice, to know them. They were young, kinda naive, so it was a surprise of how much they reminded him of Spring. If he was still out there.

"Hey, Fred- I can take it from here," a small female chirped, picking up the broom. Taking care of one of the party rooms, from one of the kids little throw down. The building was closed, by this hour. Just like it always was.

"Alright Chica, take care," Fred- was wearier. His voice was slower, padding at flowers in a warm breeze. Including his movements, he was slower. Taking up an old cane he perched his body upright. Giving her a simple wave, as he left the perfect little room.

The halls Glimmered, even after hours, it wouldn't look as if the children raced in these halls at all, nevertheless he continued. Limping his way down the corridor. The sudden sounds only echoed along the halls. He stopped for a second. Though the steps he heard continued.

"Out of all my years- I've never thought I'd see you again." The steps he heard stop. Having that voice speak out, like a fishing hook on a line. Pulling the other's attention towards him. Fred turned on his feet. Planting the cane firmly into the ground. Looking at the sorry state his friend had become.

"I could have said the same." Fred couldn't keep his eyes on the other for too long. Glancing down he stared at the checkered pattern on the floor. Taking a deep breath in, he kept his chin down.

"I- came to find you as soon as I was out of that box!" The other chirped stepping closer to the other older animatronic, "You don't know how many words I can say to tell how I missed you."

The rabbit reached his hands down, trying to grab the other's yet, his old friend stumbled back to get away. Planting that same cane down into the floor. Shaking almost, as he caught the eyes of his friend. This quickly made the other pull away. There wasn't a single sound from the two. Just the soft sound of the pipping s in the building...

"Thirty seven years." This time the bear spoke first, "two months-"

"And four days." The rabbit finished. To the surprise of the other. For a split second the hare could feel the eyes soften at him. Then once again the bear caught himself. Reverting into a stone face gaze.

"I've waited so long, you know that?" He- of course cracked. It was hard to stay mad at the fool. Hell, maybe he was the fool for being so prone to melt. The rabbit- was about to take the bears hands again- but remembered what happened last time. Instead he held it out, palm facing the ceiling for the other to take.

"I wanted to come sooner, I tried Fred," he gulped, at the memory, "I really did." Hell the cold metal he woke up on every day. To the soft banging on the walls, he felt with his fist. Hell it was almost too much to handle. Then- maybe it was out of pity, or maybe out of kindness. Yet a miracle did happen. When spring looked back at his hand, he found another holding it.

"I don't blame you." Fred squeezed the hand, to gently brush his thumb against it, "I've never- blamed you." He sighed. As he felt the other let their hand hang.

"You grew up," spring wispeared out- taking the clue to step forward. Closing the gap between them.

"You did too." Fred answered sternly.

"You look like shit," spring added.

"And you need to look in the mirror." There was a moment of silence between the two. Then- of course they both erupted in laughter. The kind you don't find, unless it's really needed. The type that fills your heart up, and makes your shoulders bounch up and down. Yet it did soon die out.

Maybe- it was the feelings still built up inside him, that was all released just now. Possibly, it was the spur of the moment, type of deal. Them being so close, and just being able to see that dumb smile of his, made something in Fred, light up once more. Moving down, slightly the bear tilted his head to the right. Landing a soft millisecond kiss on the other. When he was back where he was originally. He could see that the other was still smiling.

"What now?" Spring, felt his feet shuffle closer. Looking up at the other, as his breathing did begin to slow. Letting his free hand's fingers touch the side of his dearest friend's face. Tracing the freckles he came to miss so dearly, in his heart. Fred of course found himself leaning to every brush the other's fingers made. Letting another second past by. Fred pulled himself away, huffing.

"I'm sorry," he looked down, "I'm still finding it hard to forgive you." He let go. Steping back with his left foot first, to be at somewhat of a pivot, but he kept the cane in it's sturdy place.

"I understand." It felt like pins poked in the hare's heart. To the point where everything was almost numb. With every step the other took, the deeper and more painful that feeling became. Echoing gently in his head, tracing up over his shoulders to peck the side of his ear, forever telling him to just ask. Yet he knew he had no right to ask.

Fred nodded. Continuing to walk away, taking up the cane, and moving it with his leg. He didn't once turn back to look at the other that night. Everything felt too fresh to do. So he just kept walking. Leaving the rabbit behind... Until there was nothing yet the silent flickers of the light, slowly turning off for the night, one by one.

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