~ 10 - Homesick ~

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Ship: Skephalo
Irl I felt homesick and I was thinking and now this is being written


Zak, also known as his internet persona - Skeppy, was laying in his bed at 1:14am, it had become a usual routine to go bed earlier than he usually would since quarantine had started. He lived in an apartment alone and he could only ever leave for exercise or shopping. He left his house once every five days to pick up some easy to cook meals and milk. He was dying for some excitement or social interaction in real life or even just a wave from another person would probably help him feel better. He was sick and tired of doing the same thing over and over again, constantly recording and editing and sleeping and eating and- He sighed pulling his phone from his bedside table and opening up teamspeak, hoping to find someone online. (I don't know if you can get teamspeak on ur phone but for plot conveniences)

Luckily there was one person...

"Ooo this looks nice, now I just need to add some lighting and it should be done!" The voice called happily and Zaks heart melted as he heard the voice, realising he really did just need some comfort for once. "Hm, what goes better with spruce wood, glowstone or these prismarine light thingies?"

"I think the glowstone," Skeppy replied, still laying in his bed, staring at the sky.

"Skeppy! Oh my goodness, I didn't realise you were in here! I'm just doing some build work on my server," BadBoyHalo - also known as Darryl - exclaimed as he finished the build.

"Oh right! That sounds fun, I'm just in bed," Skeppy mumbles, not wanting to be too loud, "I've been having a rough time recently."

"Yeah, I understand, how does that make you feel, Skep?"

"Frustrated, upset... angry? I dunno I just wish everything was easy."

"Well, who wants things to be hard?" Darryl asks rhetorically, "Everything's gonna be fine though, just go to sleep and then I'll make sure to call you in the morning and we can find something fun for you to do in your home, Okay? I promise we won't be stuck in the lockdown for too long now, less than a year at least!"

"That's a long time without seeing people..." Zak mumbled, closing his eyes gently, "But I appreciate the comfort, Bad."

"Yeah, Hey! Maybe we can record a video together tomorrow on our skyblock? I fixed it up from the last time you... redecorated it and I think it looks cool!"

"Yeah? I'll look forward to it then," Zak smiles softly before letting out a yawn, "I'm gonna head off, don't stay up too long, idot."

"Yeah, goodnight you muffin."

"Thanks for talking to me, love you."

"Love you too," Darryl replies as Zak leaves the teamspeak, he really did hope the quarantine would end soon, he didn't know how long they both could last and he didn't really want to find out

Trio Oneshots || (Ft. Friends)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora