I want the world

478 13 24

A/N: Really quick guys i wanted to apologize for the almost year hiatus and 2nd of all--

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT THE FUCK DID I WRITE???? So as you could probably tell, i have terrible ADHD so my brain is like, all over the place, so originally i had a whole plan for this story to be a cute coffee shop kinda story but then my brain said "crossovers, and fuck everything up." So i did, yep. So nowwwww i guess the question is-- with all the quarantine and time i have, would you guys like to see me continue the weird crossover path or write the story i intended to write? So i guess the questions are-- should i-

A.) Find where i went astray with the story and continue the nice cutesy story i intended, keep the name

 B.) Rewrite the beginning so it is more of a cross over chaotic crackhead story, and rename the story?

Rewrite the beginning or Rewrite the endings? Ill update once I get feedback, thanks guys! Add me on insta too! 

@Don.Quote.It, get a glimpse of my life! DM me, message me, this quarantine cant handle my ADHD. :)

also i really like this emoticon >:3 reminds me of bill, anyways i await the feedback!

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