Chapter 14

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Chapter 14- Exhausted

"Stop smiling."

Lainey glanced away from Malfoy, struggling to restrain her grin. Her hand was reattached; twinging, but moving the way it was supposed to. Malfoy hadn't left her side once after trying to rip her limb from limb, and she couldn't stop smiling. Lainey was ecstatic.

Her list was being completed, step by step. And to make her day just that much better, now she had a blonde git from Slytherin, one which would have an entire plethora of twisted ideas, to assist her in crossing them off. Her list was going to get done. Merlin, she could bloody sing!

She couldn't stop smiling, something McGonagall wasn't that pleased with. But then, she wouldn't understand.

"Mrs Potter, this is not something you should be-"

"Honestly, professor," Lainey never would have dreamed to interrupt her like that, but she was too lively to care at the moment. She almost laughed again at that; describing herself as 'lively'; how contradictory. "It was an accident. I thought we were apparating to the pub, Malfoy thought we were apparating to Zonko's. We got confused."

"Too much alcohol." Malfoy added, smirking as their headmistress turned her icy glare toward him instead. "Probably not the best idea."

"Probably not." She repeated, arms crossing dangerously. Lainey thought it was ridiculous, actually. Accidents like this happened all the time, didn't it? Sure, their splinching was on purpose, but she wasn't to know that. And she definitely wasn't supposed to judge. "Tell me, Mister Malfoy, do you have your apparating licence?" Lainey's grin dropped slightly as Malfoy nodded. God, she knew that she didn't...

"And Miss you have your apparating licence?" Lainey didn't have to answer her; her embarrassed silence was enough. "So, let me get this straight. You two were trying to apparate within Hogsmead, under the influence of alcohol, with one of you without a licence?"

They nodded sullenly, knowing they couldn't worm their way from this one. Lainey didn't think she would calculate all that from the limited sentences they had provided her with; of course, the universe loathed her. "I'm astonished at the sheer level of idiocy you two continue to share." She continued, shaking her head at them both. "Fifty points. Each."

Lainey watched her leave without a sense of guilt; what was the point of worrying over house points? If you weren't technically a part of a house, you couldn't really worry over the loss of points, now could you? And did an 'accident' really merit the loss of points? Battling the troll in first year had cost her less, and that was an incident she had ensured.

She glanced at the quiet blonde next to her hospital bed, grinning as she met uneasy grey eyes. The git was still nervous Lainey was about to murder him. Not likely, after a date like that.

"So...I thought you said I wasn't allowed to risk myself?" Lainey asked casually, sliding from the bed and slipping her jumper back on. She was grateful the movement hid her face, sure that it would be red again. They hadn't mentioned their fight, a rule both were more than willing to comply with. Lainey wasn't sure if she was crossing some line here, and if she was, she didn't want to see the friendly Malfoy hide back behind his mask. It was unbearable, the way Malfoy decidedly hid. It shouldn't hurt the way it always did.

"I don't recall." Malfoy replied equally as neutral. "But if I did imply something of the sort, it would be directed towards your iconic self destruct mode that seems to be your default setting. If I'm out there mutilating you, at least I know you won't be killing yourself in some pathetic attempt to build the ultimate snowman."

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