Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten - Suicidal, Selfish Little Prick of a Mudblood!

Lainey stared at her reflection, horror plastered across her face. How had she thought this would be a good idea? When had it crossed her mind that this would be okay? Hell, had she even thought about it? Apparently not, given the sheer revulsion screaming at her from her reflection. Holy shit...just...why?

She had started the day relatively fine. If you counted staring at the weary list in her hand since her retreat from the hospital wing fine. One thing had been crossed off...just one. She had a bloody plethora of things to do, and yet only one was completed. It was pathetic; how was this supposed to help her at all, if she didn't endeavor to actually complete it? Some she couldn't do yet, others she simply didn't want to...but nevertheless, some had to get done.

And so, after running through her utterly odd encounters with Malfoy, Lainey made up her mind. Determined, before she could rethink, or actually think, apparently, she had rushed off to the bathroom to complete number twelve.

And complete it she did, to her utter mortification. Holy shit, she looked like a fucking alien. All she needed now was to paint her body green and streak through the great hall. She could probably do it without anyone recognizing her.

Lainey blinked at herself, swallowing tightly. She didn't expect the torrent of...weakness to overwhelm her. Was this going to happen to her? Was she going to have to look like this for the rest of her...for the next few months? She only prayed to gods known and unknown and most likely in a state of nonexistence that it would be fine by tomorrow. It had restored itself once before within a day, it could restore itself again. Hopefully. Desperately hopefully. Without the use of magic, would it still work? Merlin, it had better. Lainey would rather just tell everyone what was wrong than have to put up with this for over twenty four hours. It words could describe the utter horror that wouldn't be repelled from Lainey's mind. It was just...wrong.

And she was going to be given shit today for it. Guaranteed. The first class was potions. Fan-fucking-tastic!

Well, she had to face up to the music sooner or later. No regrets. Be a true Gryffindor!

Despite how she would rather re-duel Voldemort than face her classmates today.

It was silent trip to the dungeons, most people at breakfast. No one really noticed Lainey until they did the blatantly obvious double glance. A first year actually stopped walking and let their jaw drop to the floor. It was nice to know that everyone had a rightful sense of decorum.

Her reception in class was to be expected, and not much better. The muttering began immediately, echoes of 'attention seeker' and 'E.T' from the muggle-borns. And whilst the Slytherins didn't understand that particular reference, the scorn behind the phrase was difficult to miss.

Sighing to herself, Lainey kept her eyes on her desk as she hurried across the room. She was going to make the potion, ignore everything and get out as quick as possible. Easy. Simple. She didn't factor Malfoy into her calculations.

"Which one of them did it?" The venom in his voice was actually quite frightening; when you saw this particular gleam in his eye, it was easy to see why he was allowed to become a Death-Eater at such a young age. Lainey glanced at him and did a double take; fucking hell.

He was glaring murder at the other side of the room, his trademark sneer already in place. His wand was out, not even inconspicuous as he pointed it towards the students cloaked in red. What was even more surprising was Zambini and Parkinson had already followed his lead, glancing at each other cautiously before directing their wands at Ron. Only Ron, might Lainey add. None of the others.

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