Chapter 2

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You sat under the eye-straining yellow light of the break room, staring at your phone. You were waiting for an email from your boss, confirming the location of the set for the photoshoot you were doing later that day. Anika, the bitch of the office, walked in, and you quickly averted your gaze and scrolled harder.

"How are you, babe? I haven't seen you for a while!" She crooned.

"I'm just great....How was your vacation?" you said.

"Oh, it was absolutely amazing. My rich boyfriend, you know, Mark, took me to Dubai, and I swear, you just have to go there sometime. Of course, you might not be able to afford much, but the experience is great. They have such a rich culture and I swear the fashion-" she said as you tuned her out, nodding occasionally so she would become disinterested and leave.

You refreshed your email once more, and your eyes were immediately drawn to the email that had just popped up at the top of the screen.

"YOU WON!" it said in bold letters. Rolling your eyes, you clicked on it.

"It's probably just some spam that the algorithm missed," you thought.

"Congratulations! Thousands of people submitted, but your flavor was sweeter than the competition! You have the chance to collaborate with Tyler, the Creator, on marketing this project. Please reply within 24 hours."

You read the email three times, scrolling to the bottom and reading the terms. Surely this is a joke. You checked the sender. It's legit.It's real.

You pondered the situation. You had just won a competition against thousands of other people. Your stupid idea for ice cream won. And now you had the chance to work with the Tyler, the Creator. You stood up suddenly, putting your phone in your pocket.

"Is everything ok, girl?" Anika asked.

"I- I'm ok. I just have to use the bathroom," you said, rushing out of the break room.

You needed to call Naomi.

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