"Yeah. Just gotta get my shoes"

He rushes past me to grabs his shoes what makes me chuckle

"Theres no need to rush"

He looks at me and smiles while rolling his eyes. He finishes putting his shoes on and we stands up

"Let's go!"

I open the door and let him out then I leave while locking the door and start walking while Vincent follows

"Why are you so excited about this?" I ask him

"I mean.. we havent really hung out much or at all since of what's been happening"

"True. We will have to do this more often"


We keep walking on the concrete path. It fell silent. All you could hear was the rare passing cars racing on the road and the cold air blowing the leaves on the tree.

It was a comfortable silence. It was quite relaxing.

"Where are we even going?" Vincent asks

"Somewhere special"

"But where?"

"That's a surprise"

"You really not gonna tell me?"

"Hah no"


incent sighed but continued to follow Clay.

They have been walking for about 7 minutes. Nearly at their destination.

"Areeee we nearly there yet"

"That's the 5th time you've asked!"

"Then tell mee"

"We arent nearly there"

Vincent sighs loudly what makes me laugh. God he is precious

We go round a corner and Vincent points at a sign

"It says it's a private area we cant go here"

"Yeah we can"

"What- do you own this place or something"

"I mean.. yeah."

"I didnt know you owned this"

"Well it was originally my grandfathers but he passed away and gave it to me"

"That's nice of him"

"Yeah. He was cool"

We continue walking. Vincent still asking how long we would be.

I start to slow down upon the field. Not a lot of people know that in the field theres a cherry blossom tree with a waterfall behind some vines.

I normally went there when I was   upset or anxious.

"This is a dead end?"


I walk over to the vines and push them aside revealing the most beautiful place on earth.

"Woah-" He walks on and looks around "This place is beautiful!"

"You think?" I say


"Well it's not as beautiful as you"

"Huh?" He faces me while blushing

"Vincent. I want to tell you something"

I sit down and he sits in front of me

"What is it?"

Being face to face started to make me anxious. What if he rejects me or hates me forever? No.. Keep your head strong you can do this.


I stare into his eyes. They are so beautiful just like him.

"I love you" I say straight up to him. Just like George said

I sit there in front of him. Anxious to hear what he will say.

"I-Im sorry!" I stand up to leave but he grabs my hand and pulls me into a kiss

I kiss him back. After a few seconds he breaks the kiss and says "I love you too"

I blush deeply "Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

He jumps and hugs me "Yes!"

And they live happily ever after. Haha sike life sucks why would I make it easy for these loSERS

But thank you for being patient for this chapter-

And thank you so much for reading! 5k reads just blows my mind. Specially how this is my first book and I'm failing english :,) I used auto correct to spell most things for me lMAO

I may make some extras if I'm ever bored but dont count on it :D

Peace! ♡

[Dream6d/A6dream] -Trapped In FranceWhere stories live. Discover now