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chapter five: the hunter

The cold freezing air kept me up for hours. There was constant pacing back and forth outside my door, from servants, maids and even curious chefs from the kitchen. It didn't matter if it was morning or if it was night, they didn't leave me alone for one second. Voices were heard, questions were asked and even a few knocked but none were answered.

"Are you going to let me in?" Chrollo's voice had me out of the seat and back to the door. I waited a moment, wondering if I had imagined it after days of not talking to each other. He cleared his throat, obviously annoyed. "Are you dead?"

"No." I answer and so does my stomach. I hadn't eaten breakfast this morning as a protest, a stupid protest because he'd enjoy me dead or alive anyway. So I'm getting hungry and frustrated being locked in a suffocating room but I rather be suffocating than getting anywhere near him.

"You're going to drive yourself insane in there." I can practically see the smug on his lips.

"Don't worry, I already have." I scoff.

"(Y/n), let me take care of you. There's warm food waiting for you downstairs, you wouldn't want it to go bad after my chefs personally made it just for you, would you?"

I cross my arms and glare at the door. "Go away."

He chuckled. "Alright. I'll just get a servant to bring you your food then."

I pick my fingers and then hesitantly got closer to the door. His footsteps vanished and I relax against the wall.


"The curtains are to remain shut no matter what hour or day it is. They're always shut. Don't go outside and don't go snooping around either. Lord Lucilfer did try very hard to make this place comfortable for a human like you so I wouldn't get on his bad side after everything's he's done." The servant paced in circles as I ate my hot food. "This is the most he's done in years anyway."

"What has he done other than keep me trapped in here?"

The servant ignored me and continued to ramble on about more rules.

I only nodded in response, not bothering to even process the words that left her mouth. I was starving, but not for blood, for food. Normal food and these vampires were suspiciously great at preparing it.

"You're also expected to have a meeting every night with lord Lucilfer. Do you understand? Every single night in his library."

"What does he want with me?"

She didn't answer my question. It was like someone had spoken to her and she blindly followed the voice outside my room. She slammed my door closed and I was left alone once again.

It had been days since I arrived. It was so fast I didn't even get to process where we had gone to. The castle was huge, many rooms and maybe blind servants who roamed the hallways. The red carpet and the thick curtains darkened every room. It was always cold here, my coat never left me because of the thin gowns he had given me to sleep in.

Even though I wasn't allowed, I take a peek out of the curtain. The grey skies ruled tonight, the sun was no where to be seen and from afar there was a big town. I was on vampire territory and I was only safe because of his orders.

There's no way Kurapika is coming to save me. I yank the curtain shut as panic begins to creep up on me. I want to go home.

"I thought the servant told you that meetings were in the library every night. You're late." I hear his voice from outside my room. I roll my eyes and continue to get ready for bed.

"What do you want from me?" I snap at him.

"I don't want anything from you." He assured me. "I just need you to live here until your friend comes. Spend the day however you want, eat whenever you want, sleep whenever you want but don't bother me."

"Strange how just a few days ago you were being so gentle and kind to me. Now you don't even want me by your side."

"You don't want me by your side." He was closer to the door. "So I'll stay away until he comes to get you."

"You act like I'm his." I laugh in disbelief.

"Are you not?"

I stare at the door and scoff. "No, I'm not, I'm no one's and he's not coming to get me. You're wasting your time and I'm going to find a way out of here."

"You can try but that's not going to happen. You won't even get past the gates."

"Oh shut up!" I snap and throw my pillows to the side. I storm up to the door.

"You won't last a second out there. You're in a vampire kingdom, they'll all slaughter you."

"No they won't," I bang my fist against the door. "You won't let them. Otherwise your servants would have slaughtered me already and believe me, I see how they look at me. They're practically drooling over me and so are you."

His stays quiet, he's embarrassed for hearing the truth. These vampires felt like they were in control but clearly I was the one who was in control over them. I don't even have powers but just the sight of me leaves them brainwashed and at my knees.

"This is insane." I hear him mutter. "Open the door, talk to me not the door."

"I've lived with Kurapika for most of my life. I know your kind very well and I know he's not going to come looking for me."

"Why?" He drew his brows together. "You've lived with him for most of your life and you think he's not coming to get you?"

I nod. "I'm not important to him as you think I am. I'm just his coworker, always have been and always will be. He can get a replacement the day after he realizes I'm gone." I grab the knob but don't open the door. Instead I lean against it. "Let me go. You're wasting your time."

"Trust me, you're important. Perhaps not to him but to me you are." He backed away, I could hear him losing interest in the conversation. My heart sinks, I'd be spending another day in this room. I'm leaving. I yank the door open only for him to block my only exit, it's as if he had heard my thoughts. "You're not leaving."

"Watch me!" I shove him out of the way but he catches my wrist. I'm pushed back inside the room and he slams the door shut behind him. Every step he takes ends with me taking a step back. The shadows on the walls grow taller, making the room look smaller. I'm suffocating once again.

"You know, I'm the type who has a lot of patience for women like you." He flashes his fangs and my heart drops. He's warning me, or maybe it's a threat. Maybe I was wrong, he'd definitely kill me once he realizes I'm not important to Kurapika. I had dug my own grave, stupidly, and now regret swarmed inside me.

Think (y/n), think! And then I have an idea.

"Do you? Because I'm pretty sure you were just about to lose it." My lips tug to a teasing smile. I couldn't help myself, I should've been afraid of him but something in me knew he wasn't going to hurt me. Yet. He was truly a monster but not in the cruel horrible monster, just a vampire king. His fists relaxed when he realized what I was doing but I had him now.

I know how I was going to get away from him.

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