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chapter four: the guardian angel

The sky is grey but there is no rain. The wind is quiet for once and the church remained still. The storm was starting to go away and soon it'd be time for the monster downstairs to leave too.

I'd make sure to keep my lips tight after tonight, if my thoughts were kind then I'll remember this as just another nightmare. Kurapika would be back in a few weeks and then everything would go back to normal. I smile, rushing out of my room to go find him.

This is it. I'm going to tell him to leave and never come back!

I barged into his room to find it empty. Where is he? I rush back upstairs to the guest room to find it empty as well. The kitchen was quiet and the living room was alone, the church was only filled with prayers and soft whispers, and strangely enough the shadows were also by themselves tonight. A bit of hope fluttered inside me, for a moment I almost believe that he had left on his own but as I run down the hallway I catch a glimpse of Kurapika's door wide open.

No. No. No. I storm inside and catch him standing by the bookshelf.

"What are you doing here?" I try to ask kindly but my voice betrays me. He snaps his head up, as if wondering if he had heard me right. It was rude but I didn't care, I was tired of him, I wanted him out now!

"Reading?" He stated the obvious. His jaw tightened but he didn't let it show that the way I spoke to him bothered him.

"This room belongs to Kurapika. No one comes in here, not even me."

"Kurapika?" He tilted his head with amusement. "Ah is he the blond priest that walks around here sometimes? I was hoping to see him the first night I arrived. Instead, it was you who opened the door."

He shut the book and placed it back on the shelf. He didn't leave, instead he took another stroll around the room. His fingers brushed against every spine as he searched for an interesting book to keep him busy. Which meant that he had no intention of leaving just yet.

"Where is he?" His tone changed, a warning or a temptation to snap at him. To give him an excuse to use those hidden fangs and sharp nails. He doesn't glance in my direction but I can feel his eyes digging into my soul.

That's why he's here isn't it? I take a step back and bump into the wall. He's here for Kurapika.

"He's out on a trip."

"When does he come back?"

"Not until next month."

"Next month?" He sounded disappointed. I shifted my weight onto one leg, panic began to bubble up inside me. I force myself to follow him.

He won't harm me. I assure myself. "Why do you need to see him so badly?"

"I was hoping to talk to him about a few things. I've heard from a few friends that he's an exorcist but others tell me he's a hunter. Whatever that means." He scoffed.

"Well that's too bad, you won't see him till next month." I sigh disappointedly as well. He stopped in his tracks and I nearly crash into his back. His fingers drop to his side and he finally turns towards me. I always forget how tall the man is. He's towering over me, a shadow over his face but I can see the glow in his eyes as interest sparks inside him.

"I know. That's why I'm hoping you could help me out here."

"Me? How could I possibly ever help you?"

"I've seen the mailman deliver you a letter every other morning. It's from Kurapika isn't it? Have you told him about me?" He leaned in and I take a step back. "Does he know I'm here?"

"I promise you I wouldn't waste ink or space on my letters to write about you."

"Ouch." He chuckled, amused and somewhat surprised by my retort. "I was wrong. You're not scared of me are you? You know what I am and you still have the courage to say the things not even my kind would spit to my face." His hands slither around my neck but I don't back down.

My heart is racing, trying to jump out of my chest but I hold my chin high and stare back at him. My eyes betray me for only a second, they snap to his lips and then back to his eyes. He noticed it too but he doesn't say anything about it. I feel darkness start to surround us, pulling me closer towards him.

I know what you are and I'm not afraid of you. I hear the low stinging around his hands. My silver necklace is burning his skin but that doesn't stop him from keeping them on me. A small necklace won't stop him from eating me. From behind him a shadow towers over him. My heart sinks as his wings block the light above me. A guardian angel, no a fallen angel perhaps.

"(Y/n), you know exactly what I want."

"Then beg for it." I scowl. Before he could utter another word I snatch the knife out of my pocket and stab him in the chest. He gasps and out of panic he yanks me out the window. The glass shatters and my knife slips out of my hand. It takes me only a second to realize that he's flying. I scream, holding onto his arm as we get higher and higher.

"Put me down!" I shout but he isn't listening to me, anymore. The church starts to disappear in the distance and my town vanished behind the ocean of trees. "Where are you taking me? Answer me!"

Up ahead the glow of another town nearby was close. My first thought was to scream. We were high but I was sure that if I screamed loud enough someone would help me. Hopefully a skilled archer lived there, otherwise I was doomed. And just as I opened my mouth he dropped me. I didn't even get the chance to scream, in a flash I was on the ground and he was across the street sinking his fangs into a stranger.

The man tried to scream but his throat was being blocked. He wasn't even drinking his blood, he had taken a huge bite out of his neck instead.

Run, (Y/n), run! I bolt onto my feet and run as fast as I could. My eyes are dead set on running into the bakery that was still open. A customer was talking to the owner and if I scream loud enough maybe they'd hear me. I hear the sound of him dropping the body and I open my mouth, ready to scream when suddenly I was on the ground. He was on top of me, blood dripping from his mouth and falling onto my neck. It's difficult to breathe and I struggle to even focus on shouting for help.

He was breathing hard, desperate to get a taste of my blood. I wonder who'd be the lucky stranger to wake up tomorrow morning and find me laying on the street. Or if Chrollo's kind enough, he'd leave me in the middle of the forest after devouring me into nothing.

"Please," I whisper, my hands pressing against his chest to keep him away. My voice seemed to have jolted him awake. His eyes were back to normal but his fangs were still there. "I promise I won't say anything if you let me go."

"I know you won't say anything." He brushed back all the hair out of my face. "Because I'm not going to let you go. So write another letter, waste a bit of space and ink to add my name, and tell Kurapika to come get you himself. Until then, you'll stand right by my side, even if it's for eternity."

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