The moonstone

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10 years later...

Hope POV:

"Come here honey! We're late!" he yelled. "Okay, okay I'm coming. Just a sec", I replied. "Be quick. I'm going to the car" I have to just decide which arrow I'm gonna take. The metal one or the obsidian one. I think that I'm gonna take the obsidian one. I run to the car because soon I'm gonna be late from competition. In the door I check up my bow bag. I think I didn't forget anything. Then I went to car. I open the door of the car and I get in it.

"Are you ready to go honey?", he asks to me. "Yeah I'm ready dad. Lets go to win the competition!", I said while I put on my seat belt. "Okay then we go", he said and start to drive the car.  While we were in our way to the competition I remembered that I forgot my bracelet. Stupid me. How can I forgot it. Today is full moon and I need it. Although I am not yet triggered the curse I suffer great rage during the full moon if I don't have my moonstone bracelet. I think that it came from my real dad because mom don't seem like she has problem with anger management. I had to get my bracelet but if we go back to home we'll be late. I can't take that risk. I think that I can handle a little anger.

We arrived to the competition just in time. I signed myself in and got my turn number. It was 47 and my field was 3. I went there and wait for my turn. When my turn come I was feeling nervous. First of all number 42 was late and I really had to go home as soon as possible because I was starting feeling the effect of the moon. "47 Hope Andrea Marshall Dylan", they announced. It was annoying that everyone think that I was 'Marshall Dylan' although it was actually 'Mikaelson'. But I couldn't do anything for the fact that it would be too risky to use my real last name instead of mom's and Andrew's. And also it would be very unrespectful for my real father. He died just to protect and hide me and if I use my last name then everything can be done for nothing. On top of these things it would be also very confusing to the other peoples cause everyone in this town think that I'm really Andrew's daughter. I really are his "little honey" like he likes to call me. Although we don't have biological connection. He's still my dad. He had been a dad for me since I was 6. We decided to move here when I was 7 and we kept my real father as a secret. Now everyone thinks that I am a Dylan.

I take a deep breath and stepped to the field. I saw mom and Anrew in the audience encouraging me. I smiled to them and take my arrow. I put it into the bow and closed my eyes. I take my second deep breath and tried to calm myself. I was really nervous because time was almost up and I was losing my control. I touched my necklace and whispered "The moon, the sun and the eclipse, always and forever" Then I opened my eyes and pulled the arrow.  When I was letting the arrow go the rage come. I let both of them go. The arrow got just there where I want it to go but anger come to top. It was matter of seconds when I would lose the whole control when suddenly some man come and take me away from field.

"Are you okay littlest wolf?", he asked. He had the best accent I ever heard. He also smelled like... like... like... I don't know. Something...something like home. His eyes was like oceans. They were blue, deep and beautiful. They has also uncertainty and certainty in them at the same time. I think they looked like waves who have experienced too much waviness. They looked like they are really tired of everything and thay can still do the same thing again and again, always and forever. He had also beautiful hairs. They were little bit of curly and their colour was caramelish and it had pinch of gold in it. He was really charismatic and looked like he was in his thirties.

"I don't know but I think so", I responded to his question. I looked for my mom and when I looked back to the stranger man I saw that he was gone and I had very beautiful necklace in my hand. I blinced around me and he weren't anywhere. Where the hell he went that fast. I wanted to thank. I looked more closely to the necklace and noticed that it was a moonstone. Mom came and take me to the car and we drove straight to the home. She looked really mad.

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