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This will continue from where we left of

Bell's POV
When I woke up I felt something soft on my head and since I just woke up I couldn't see much so I grabbed one of them with my right hand . It was soft and squish. I then heard someone squeal . Talking my head up I realized I was on top of Aiz and groping her quickly removing my hand and got off of her . I looked at the girl who was now red and said hey Aiz how did I get from the couch to on top of you . She looked at me and said ohh because I moved you to the bad with me and you probably rolled onto me . Why did you move me I replied while gathering my stuff. Aiz said well now that's a secret. I looked at the two dragons who where still asleep I put them at the bottom of my empty bag . I walked Aiz to the gate of her manor and then went home . When I got back beau was asleep on the couch . I let him be for now I then walked to into my room and placed Abyss and Belagoss on the bed to let them sleep. I then walked out into the living room and gave beau a good shake. What oh bell said beau . Yes if your tired sleep on your bed I replied. No we'll tell me what happened on your date with Aiz . Well we went shopping, ate food and since it was late we bought a room since ther was only on I was asleep on the couch until she moved me onto the bed I apparently rolled on top of her I then woke up and groped her without realizing it I replied. Beau said so you skipped most of dating and went straight to sleeping with each other . I was kind shocked at what he said and left the Conversation at that .

Time skip to the day of the expedition
It was now the day that we go to the 59th floor luckily I got a tent that had locks on it . It was the last kind of it . I then went in front of the dungeon and waiting for the Loki fimilia . After five to six minutes they finally showed up. I walked over to Finn and asked hey Finn are you going to tell me the lineup. He looked at me and replied oh bell well your in the front with everyone of are more stronger members. Ok well let's get going. After a few hours we finally made it to the 40th floor. alight everyone were setting camp up hear for today . I then grabbed my tent and walked a little away from the group and started setting it up when Bete walked over and said hey need any help . I looked at him and said no I'm good thanks for offering. He then walked away I was then almost done when I heard that the food was ready . I started picking up the pace I was working at now going faster I was then finished and headed back over to the group to eat when I got there I grabbed three pieces of bread and left realized all the glares I was receiving and realizing that I was not the only one I then headed back to my tent hearing people talking about me behind my back was pissing me off . I then entered my tent where Abyss and Belagoss where I gave them there piece of bread . Abyss said hey bell if you want I can give them a shock to stop i interrupted Abyss and said no it's fine no need to . Ok replied the black dragon . I finished my piece of bread and laid down in the sleeping bag that was there leaving a spot for the two dragons to get in . I was about to fall asleep when I heard someone at my door I got out of the sleeping bag and walked over to the entrance unlocking the door to see Finn . Hi bell may I come in said Finn . I replied yay shur. He then walked in and pulled out some more bread from his bag . Hear have this I realized how everyone was looking at you and I thought that one pice of bread for the three of you isn't enough said Finn. Well thanks for it I replied grabbed the pieces of bread giving Abyss and Belagoss there share and started eating mine when Finn said bell next time they do that I don't mind if you grab more then bread to eat . I replied with what the gossip or the glaring. Both and I'll make shur that they don't do that again replied Finn . Ok I'll believe you Finn and thanks for the food I said . Finn then left and I was about to lock the door when I heard Bete this time at the door I opened it to see him getting ready to knock. Yes Bete I said . Why didn't you hit someone who was glaring at you said Bete . I replied well that would make thing worse. Ok but don't just leave things as that you have more right to be here then some of them replied the silver haired werewolf. I then closed the door and locked it . I then went back into my sleeping bag and fell asleep I woke up early and left my tent letting the two dragons sleep in I went outside and started doing a exercise I ran all around the labyrinth walled and returned to my tent all sweaty when I got ther I could see Aiz knocking on the door saying bell it's time to waking we got to go I then walked up beside her and said ok let me get my things she then realized I was already up . I grabbed my things woken the two dragons and packed up my tent and started walking to see Finn but when I got there nobody was awake I quickly looked at Aiz ready to ask a question when she said Finn told me to wake you up early to eat I then looked at her and said thank you for the consideration I then walked up and grabbed me and my two dragons some food we where finished eating I grabbed the dishes and walked over to where they where washed last time and washed them when I was finished washing I looked at Belagoss and asked hey can you use some fire to dry this . He replied yes I can . Thanks I was now waiting for Belagoss to finish drying the dishes I then grabbed them and walked back to camp and put them down where that where when I grabbed them and when I was about to leave to check out the next few floors I heard Finn call me over I then walked over to him and said thanks for the consideration but I can wake up in my own . He looked at me and said ok duly noted and I want you and your dragons to be the only ones on the front today I looked at the blonde pallum a little shocked at what he said ok but why I asked . The people who were treating you bad where all level three so if that see what your capable of then that won't treat you badly ok I then left the tent to see a Orange haired elf talking crap about me but befor I could do anything I saw Bete walk up to her and said hey Lefiya stop before others kick your ass she was shocked to see Bete standing up for someone and said oh who cares he only got here from his connection to Aiz . Bete then slapped the elf know as Lefiya and said he is a higher level then you and beat up our whole fimilia by himself and your saying your stronger then him how about we make shur you never join an expedition again by making it so only level five can go . The girl holding her cheek was about to now cry . I then heard Finn walk out of his tent and said what's going on out here. Bete then looked over and said captain can we send back all level threes and fours back to the surface. Why Bete replied Finn . Because they Believe bell should not be hear and that they are stronger the him especially Lefiya . I see your point but then they would die on the floors going back up so we can't do that now and since everyone is hear I would like to say bell hear will be the only person on the front line today said Finn . Everyone shocked at what he said while Lefiya said I bet he will die why not let the Loki fimilia do it . I was now pissed at the girl who was only able to criticize me I almost vanished and reappeared I front of her I sent a kick to her side casing her to fly into a wall almost leaving her unconscious I grabbed her are holding her up and let Abyss and Belagoss appear for everyone to see I said do you two want her or should I do it myself Abyss then said how about you leave her to us we don't even need to go into our full size . Belagoss said no we could beat her when we where babies Abyss . I then through her back into camp and said she's all yours then when she was still in the air she was hit with light and fire simultaneously casing her to be incapacitated she was still awake so I walked up to her and slammed her down on the ground and left her there . Finn then said bell you didn't need to hold back . When he said this everyone was quite. Well now that she is incapacitated we'll stay one more night for her to recovery , Rivera can you bring her to the medical tent said Finn . I then left and set my tent up again for the night . After I heard the people start going to bed I then went over to the fire to see that Aiz , Rivera, Finn , Garth , Bete and the amazons there I ignored them set Abyss and Belagoss down gave them some food and grabbed some for me I sat next to them eating . When all three of us finished I grabbed the bowls and started washing them and Belagoss was drying them when we where finished I put them back and was about to leave when I herd Bete say hey bell what made you snap I looked and said she was acting cocky for a level 3 to a level 5 and even a level 6 she needed to be put in her please. So your saying that you did it for Bete and Finn said Aiz . I was pondering in my thoughts and said well yay if you put it that way then yes I replied. Why it was Bete who first attacked you and Finn was the leader who didn't stop them said Rivera. I then looked at her a said they where the ones who seen my suffering yesterday why should I let one thing stop that I think of them as Friends and they are some of the first. I then left the camp and went back to my tent I locked the door and got into my sleeping bag and fell asleep with the two dragons next to me .

A boy and his dragonsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon