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I kept a distance for a while even thought we do communicate at school, if need be, but surly not like we used to. I could see she wasn't okay with that. Well i wasn't okay with it either, but it was the best option.

She's a kind who normally shows I don't care attitude but dip inside cares a lot, she's a type who tease people a lot especially when it comes to relationships and their for carries the fair of getting into one. she's also the type that reads meaning to every gestures. Even though she dispute this fact, but yeah, she is.

We kept on the distance until one day, when I went to the school having only one period for the day and she was having no period throughout the day.

We were in the office and I was on my phone while she was writing her lesson note. The place was so silent because we were all busy with one thing or the other.

Suddenly she said, are you through with your class for the day?, breaking the silence barrier. Yes, I answered. So you are useless the rest of the day she said while smiling. Teasing me as usual, i busted out in laughter hearing the word useless.

'Useless!', is the word she normally uses when she has absolutely nothing doing.

There was a day she came to the school, having not even a single period for the day, while I was having three. She said, heyyy better go for your periods (referring to me) because as for me, I don't have any period to day. Am completely useless today, she added. Hearing the word, my eyes widely opened, then I cleared my throat saying, sorry I was on ear phone can you repeat your self, thinking maybe I was the one who wasn't paying much of attention, even though my ears were widely opened, and I wasn't actually on ear phone but I needed to hear her say the word again, for clarification.

She repeated it over and over again. I busted out in laughter, i laughed so hard and we went into a little debate trying to analyse the word 'useless!'.

So, hearing the word useless again, made me laugh. We kept gisting for a while and suddenly, I got lost looking at her saying nothing again, she was still talking but I wasn't responding.

My face was directly at hers and I couldn't even control my sight. "Deennm, what an Indian movie".

I was really lost looking at her, when she noticed, she said, hey stop looking at me and my reply was, how I wish I could. Hearing this she lost focus her self. It was quit obvious because at first she was writing a lesson note, and suddenly she was using her writing pen to hit the desk in a very slow motion filled with emotions. And I just kept smiling.

Well, I've never seen her in that state before.
She's the type that can hide the bite of a lion, if at all its in public. So, seeing her emotions, was something strange. But believe me, her sassy mood was so amazing.

Hey, am coming, I wanna buy something outside, she said. Okay, do you need an escort?, I asked. No don't worry, I will be back before you know it. She replied.

Minutes later, she came back with two lollipops, one was wrapped in red while the other wrapped in yellow. Both colors signified something I guess. 'Hooo lala'.

'Zaka sha lollipop?' ( Do you want some lollipop) she asked. I smiled and replied with, even though am not a kid, but I can't reject anything from you. 'Kinsan da haka' (you know that). And this statement gave her the will power to do and undo.

You know, ladies do really have this habit of testing a guy to see if what he's saying its really true, they are genius when it comes to that.

'Toh bazan bakaba' (okay am not going to give you) she said. 'Nidai nasan kinada mutunci, kuma mai mutunci bai niya shi fasa' ( I know you are responsible, and a responsible parson won't promise and not fulfilled his/her promise, I said.

Okay, which one do you want? She inquired, bringing the two forward for me to choose, but before I could say anything, she said take this one bringing the one wrapped in yellow more closer, when she noticed I was going for the one wrapped in red.

No, no I want the red one I said. I can't give you the red one because it's for someone special to me she said. Hearing this, my body weakened and I asked, who could this be? In a low voice. 'Aa malam, may naka!', (what is your own business). She said.

In my mind, I was like 'tauuu idon happen', I was actually thinking their is hope.

Looking at my face in state of turmoil, she busted out in laughter saying but if you want chewing gum, I can give you one. She searched her bag and all she could find was only one chewing gum.

I can't even give you this one being it the only one, she said smiling. I was just looking at her speckless. She divided the gum in to two equal parts and forwarded one to me. I looked at her, saying what will I do, I just can't resist not collecting, bringing my hand forward to take it up from her, but she took it back saying this one is even too big for you. She divided the half into four other parts again and gave me only one. 'LOL!'. You see, how hilarious she can be.

'Ya zanyi' (what will I do) I said, as I collected.

After collecting, I said, so this is how people of this state treats people from other state. You people are so stingy I said looking at her and twisting my head both sides. 'Oho dai' (what ever) she said, laughing so hard.

Shortly after the whole drama, the school bell was ranged for school closure and I walked her home just as usual, but before departure, she said, hey this is for you forwarding the red wrapped lollipop to me. I collected and she walked away. I cloud not even say a word, as she walked her way into their house.

Looks like she wasn't so stingy after all.

I went home trying to have a nap after my shower, but sleep wasn't just forthcoming. So, i picked my phone and connected it to my MP and begin to listing to songs. But then, I noticed I don't even have any single song that her name was being mentioned.

I went on videmate and downloaded ten different songs of her. I mean ten different songs that her name was been mentioned. And I begin to listing to them one by one, and for the second time I was lost in row.

'Fiction thoughts can be very real sometimes!'.

The next thing that stroke my mind was to DM her which I did, and it reads.

I tends to get lost in my self more often
this days thinking about you.

I love it when you just keep on talking while
I listing to your amazing melody.

I fell like texting you every mili second.

Despite the distance apart, I just fell like you
are right next to me.

My feelings for you this days are becoming
so alarming and I just can't control my
humble self.

I hope being sentimental about this won't
jeopardise this relationship.

I needed to
come clean with my inner feelings can't
hold it any longer.

You are indeed a Ravishing Queen.

Pls tell me what do you think about my write up so far, in the comment box below. It will really help a lot.


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