Chapter 28

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AN . Big chapter this.

They were just strolling down the plaza. Jace had his arm slung lightly around her shoulder. They were in a comfortable space. Jace spotted a bench and led her there. He took her hands in his and studied it for some time, avoiding her eyes, gathering his thoughts. She waited, not sure what to expect.

"Did you get the flowers that I sent you?" "Yes, I did. And they were beautiful, thank you. Silly rhyme, though.."
"Yeah, I know, he smiled.
Silence again.
"You deleted my comment the other night, though"
"I panicked a bit there ...didn't expect to see your comment..I mean, I assumed you blocked me..she started but dwindled off when she saw him frown.
"Still love your chocolate cake , I see "
"Yes, I do and I can afford it."
He gave her a quick once-over ..yes she could afford it.
Riele was eternally slender, but she had definitely filled out nicely. She noticed him staring and cleared her throat.

"Focus, Norman. We came here to talk"
"Yes, I know ... but you're just so freakin beautiful."

She blushed and looked away.
"I'm sorry, Riele, but I can't help it.."
"Why are you here? She asked before he could go on.
"I am here to win you back, Riele..he replied without hesitation.

Riele snorted and threw her hands in the air, clearly distraught.

"Really, Jace, Now? When I'm at the most important point of my career? Now you decide that you want me back?! "

He expected that reaction but it still stung.

"I never wanted to let you go in the first place, Riele."
"But you did" she snapped. You decided that you were through with me. You decided that my goals and dreams were a burden to you ..that If I couldn't do things your way, it was no way at all. Either I came back with you or I could go to hell. Am I right?"

Jace was getting more exasperated by the second.
But he kept his cool.

"Riele , you don't know how much I regretted that day. I let my pride and arrogance decide for me, instead of my heart. And you have no idea how sorry I am.
All I wanted to do when I was back in LA is to hop on the first plane and come here and beg your forgiveness.

"Well, why didn't you. ? She semi yelled. Her eyes filled up with years and Jace had to stop himself from reaching out to wipe them away.

"I was too ashamed of myself at the time. I couldn't face you. I felt weak. I knew I abandoned you and I was so scared that you couldn't forgive me...that I have destroyed every last bit of trust you had in me. And it nearly killed me.
And it's taken me a lot of time, a lot of soul searching and a lot of growing up ... But by the Grace of God...I am here today.. able to look you in the eye and ask you,

Can you forgive me, Riele? Can you forgive my stupidity and arrogance?"

"Jace, you really hurt me... You really did. You were the one person besides my mom and sister that I could always count on, that always supported me, but you chose to abandon me. You chose to leave me. You made me feel like I wasn't good I was nothing.
All the love and trust that I invested in us... Gone, just like that.

Why, why couldn't you support me, Jace? "she asked brokenly.

Jace breathed in deeply. He covered his face with his hands, rubbed his eyes than turned back to look at her. He reached out to touch her but she drew back and folded her arms over her chest.

"Riele, remember the plans we made while we were still working on HD? We had our FiveYear Plan all mapped out. Remember?? !!!
Me and you were gonna start our own production company, you would still have your own fashion line..we would get married as soon as you turned 21.

THAT was OUR dream, OUR vision..And than, BAM!
Your mom gets you that internship to Milan... and all our plans are forgotten...Just like that.

"You chose to make your mother happy, rather than yourself."

Riele was stunned. She could not believe her ears.

"You think have it all figured out, Jace..huh. but don't.

It wasn't just about my mother..and by the way, my mother didn't try to destroy our dreams. She didn't try to hurt us.
Why would she, she loved you, Jace!

She just wanted me to have the opportunities that she never had... Opportunities that young black girls in America and worldwide might never have, Jace.

And I recognised that, Jace.
And I understood that.

I needed to become more than just Jace's girl. I needed to demonstrate something to millions of young black girls that look up to me. I had to go further, do bigger things, show them you CAN spread your wings
and fly.

This is the type of pressure , the kind of responsibility that I live with, daily, Jace"...she finished .out of breath.

He was overwhelmed... Never before had she spoken like this before. It was like she had placed her heart in his open palm and he could see it pulsing and bleeding.

"And I left you", Jace added softly in a broken voice.

Riele did not answer him. The brokenness in his eyes was enough.

They were just staring at each other for what seemed an eternity.. but finally Riele broke the trance.

"Jace, I really need to get back to the office."
"What? can't ..we have to talk this out. I didn't come all this way to have things left unsaid again. No way."

"Jace, I know we have to finish this conversation, but right now I have a show coming up and everything is crazy at Di Cento's.

Jace threw his hands up in the air, clearly frustrated.
He shook his head.
"Okay..Okay .fine"
He grabbed her hand in his and held on tight.

"We're not done yet, Riele..not by a long shot," he said with determination in his voice.

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