Chapter 22

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Michael watched Jeremy step out from his house, dressed sharply in the navy tux. It looked even better in the natural light. Jeremy was also flabbergasted at the sight of the luxurious vehicle, similar to how Michael reacted. His dad appeared in the doorway, smiling at his excited son. Jeremy turned back to hug his dad and they exchanged a few words as the limo driver went to open the cabin door.

"Go ahead." Jake ushered.

Michael stepped out of the car, waiting for Jeremy to turn back to him. After a final goodbye between the Heeres, Jeremy turned back to the limo. Michael couldn't help but notice Jeremy's face flush over with a shade of red. Is he flustered? "Michael!" Jeremy exclaimed.

Michael was donned in a maroon tuxedo, complete with a black button up, handkerchief, and bowtie. The smooth fabric that the tuxedo was made of nicely complimented Michael's frame. He shimmered with a handsome aura and beamed with confidence.

"Jeremy, hey." Michael smiled, pushing up his glasses.

" look amazing!" Jeremy approached his best friend.

"Thanks, man. You seriously look good too, if that isn't weird to say." Michael laughed.

"Are Rich and Jake inside?" Jeremy peered in the car.

"Yeah, go ahead." Michael stepped aside and allowed Jeremy to enter.

Jeremy ducked inside, Michael following. He showed the same feeling of enamor that Michael had experience, deeply inspecting every facet of the limo.

"It's pretty nice, isn't it?" Michael sat next to Jeremy.

"It's awesome!" Jeremy marveled. "Did you get this, Jake?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Jake smiled.

"I mean, come on, you're the rich kid." Jeremy leaned back.

"I dunno. I guess."

"Boss, where are we headed?" The chauffeur spoke from the driver's seat.

"Parvin State Park." Jake replied.

  "Oh, that place is so pretty." Jeremy fawned.

  "I got a reservation with a photographer at 11:30." Rich said. "You all good with that?"

  "Yeah, that's awesome," Jake said.

  "God, I don't look good enough for a camera." Jeremy leaned back, covering his eyes with an arm.

  "Yes, you do," Michael said. "There's literally no better time to get photos taken."

  "I guess." Jeremy sighed.

  They arrived at the serene park, pleased to find it not too busy. Lawns of green grass blanketed various bushes and tall trees. Exiting the limo, they began wandering around the park while Rich called the photographer.

  "Michael, look." Jeremy pointed at a dog being walked by a couple. "That dog is so freaking cute."

  Michael laughed. "Yeah, it is."

  "What breed do you think it is?" Jeremy pondered.

  "Maybe some sort of Labrador? I'm not too keen on my dog breeds."

  "I want one." Jeremy gazed.

  "Alright, Jeremy. We'll get a dog someday." Michael smiled.

  "That sounds great." Jeremy turned to his friend.

  "Hey! Lovebirds! Come here!" Rich called.


  "Coming!" Jeremy replied, not taking note of the comment.

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