Part 10 : Rin

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Our cultural festival is coming soon. It's not that I'm waiting for it. But I like it because everyone looks very happy on that day.

"Good morning,Rei. What are you thinking?"

"Oh,hey,how are you? Nothing special..."

"Do you know cultural festival is coming?"

"Yeah. What our class will do?"

"Everyone said they will do a maid café."


"Yes. Isn't it fun? We can see so many cute girls..hehehe"

"I don't think it's fun!"

Seriously! I think most of the boys in our class thought about this.

"Good for you,Azumi."

"I was just joking.hahahaha"

While I was talking with Azumi, I saw Rin was calling me. So,I went there.


"Pleas take this. Bye."

After giving me a piece of paper she ran from there.

"Rei,what happened?"

"I don't know. She gave me this and ran away."

"Open it."

I opened that paper and she wrote that "please meet me after school". What does that mean?

"Rei, do you know what does that mean?"


"I won't tell you this. Go find it yourself and best of luck.(Finally, someone will confess to my friend.)"

I couldn't understand what he was saying.

Classes ended soon. And now I'm going to Rin. I can't understand what is that means....Wait Don't tell it a confession?

"H...Hello, R..Rin."


"So,why did you called me?"

", I want to tell you something...."

Is she really going to confess me?

"Te..Tell me."

"There is a boy I like. And I don't know how to tell him..."

As expected...I knew that something like this would happen...(disappointed)....

"So,who is that boy?"

"We are in the same class. Most of the girls likes him. That's why I don't know what to do.."

"I see."

"Can you please help me? I'm so sorry for troubling you all the time...."

"No problem. For now, let's see what we can do..."

"Thanks a lot. I've to go now. We'll discuss it tomorrow. Thanks again."


I'm used to it because no girl confessed me. It's because I don't talk with others very much. And it's not that I want any girlfriend...

How should I help her? I should talk to Azumi.

"Hello, it's me Rei. Can I come to your place?"

....... .......

"Good evening, aunt."

"Good evening, Rei. How are you?"

"I'm fine."

"Azumi is in his room."

"Thank you."

Azumi's mom and dad are so nice to me.

"Hi, Azumi."

"Hello, what did Rin said?"

"She needed my help, that's all."

"I thought so too. Because no girl ever confessed to you.hahahaha"

"Idiot, I'm not here to talk about that."

Then I told the whole story to him.

"Hmm,so,she likes that boy and can't tell him,right?"

"Yeah,that's what she said to me."

"We don't know if that boy likes Rin. If he don't likes Rin then it would be a problem."

"I think so too. So,what should we do?"

"I've an idea. Cultural festival!"

"Cultural festival?"

"Yes. Everyone confesses in cultural festival event."


"What I'm telling is, she should confess him in the cultural festival event. It's because everyone seems very happy that day."

"Now I understood. I hope this idea will work."

"It will."

"Thanks a lot. Okay then I'm going."

"You've to eat dinner with us today. So,you can't go."


I don't think this idea will work. But we should give it a try....

..... .....


"That first year girl seems to be his good friend. They talk with each other so casually......why I'm feeling this jealousy? I'm not like this.....

..... .....

"Hello,Rin. I thought something."

"What is it?"

"You should wait until the cultural festival. Until then, you should gain some courage to confess him."

"Okay,senpai. Do you think this idea will work?"

"I hope so."

"Thanks for helping me. By the way, don't you have girlfriend?"

"No...I'm not actually interested."

"I see. But I'm sure the girl who will be your girlfriend will be very lucky."

"Why do you think that?"

"I can't tell you that.hehehe"

Lucky,huh? I don't think so....

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