Chapter 3:The 3 Musketeers

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{X-Virus}-After Toby showed me around The Slender Mansion me and Toby made our way to Slender's Office.Inside the office I could see Slender doing Paperwork.
He lifted his head as I shut the door,"Ah,X-Virus.Come sit down."
I smiled and sat down in front of his large desk.He put his black pen down and looked at me,"Have your scars,by any chance,healed a little bit."
I muttered quietly,"Yes Sir."
He laughed,"Oh child,you don't need to be afraid of me.I don't bite."
I nodded and smiled,"Thanks.So um..why did you call me here.N-not to be rude or anything!"I shut my eyes thinking that I made a fool of myself.
"Yes,well I'm going the tell the little rules that I've made around here."Slender put his hands on the papers that he was doing and put them in a neat pile."Rule Number 1:No humans aloud in the mansion only dead.
Rule Number 2:In a week at least 7 or more,people should be dead.
And the last Rule.Rule Number 3:No
lying,I can read minds and I can tell when you're lying.Thats all.And you'll be sharing a room with Toby."
"Oh,Okay.Thank you Sir."I stood up and rubbed my neck.
I walked out of the office and saw Toby talking with Sally.
"So.W-what'd he say?"Toby asked me picking up Sally and started walking down the hallway.
"Well.He told me the rules and I'm sharing a room with you.It'll be so cute don't you think.All the things that we can do!"I looked at him and I saw him a little blush on his cheek.Its was blending in with his pale Vampire like skin.
Toby nodded and blushed at the same time,then gave Sally a piggyback,"Y-yeah.It W-will."He also smiled.
Sally put her head on Toby's head,
"Toby what's wrong?You're red...have you got a fever?"
Toby looked at me and I looked back giving him a mischievous smile.He went red and looked away and muttered embarrassed,"Y-yeah.Im fine S-Sally.Just a little w-warm."
"Hey,let's ditch and go to like the park or summa.We'll get ice-cream,candy and all that jazz."I looked at Toby and Sally,Sally as soon as I said 'ice-cream' she just looked at me and gave me a 'Yeah Let's Go' face.
Toby said sure and Sally was like Oh hell yeah!
"I'm gonna go and get changed into some shorts and see you in 10 minutes."Sally climbed of Toby's shoulders and ran to her room like a Cheeter catching it's prey.
Me and Toby went to our room.I shut the door and I saw Toby looking in a dresser.He held out a black box,"Yes,I've found it!Hopefully it still works."He sighed clutching the mysterious box.
He opened it as I walked near him and crouched down like he was.Inside the box were some strange looking bracelets.It was black and it had some charms around it,Hachets(in other words axes).He stood up and so did I,was it me or did I just realised that he was an inch or two smaller than me.He held out a bracelet,"Here,wear it.It'll hide your killer form and any scars or marks that you had when you became a killer.If you want me to put it on first.I wouldn't actually mind."
I looked at him eyes wided in total amazement,"Wait really!It really hides your form.And makes you look innocent again!"
Toby nodded,"Y-yeah.You just put i-it o-on."
I looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep,long breath before putting it on.I took the bracelet from Toby's hands and slowly slid it on my wrist next to the black spikey bracelet that was on my left arm.

{Ticci Toby}-As soon as Cody put his bracelet on,my eyes wided in shock.He flew back,hitting his bandaged back against the wall that had my Hachets on a shelf.He groaned while I could feel heat on my cheeks.I walked up to him and held a hand out to help him up and also because it was an act of kindness.He looked at me and took my hand.Cody stood up and pulled me close I felt my face warming up as if I had a really bad fever.He held my hands and squeezed them tightly,"You're so cute.But the cutest thing about you is: how you react when I do this " He whispered in my ear.
I shut my eyes exceedingly tight and he laughed.He pushed me away,but in a kind away."What do you look like with the bracelet on?"Cody looked at the bracelet and at me.
I put the black bracelet on.I wasn't different well...I was, just the scars were gone and my gash.
"Yeah.I-I know I s-still look the same.
Just the scars and gash are gone."I touched the right side of my mouth where the gash was."Let's go downstairs Sally's probably there by now."
Downstairs near the huge Kingdom like door,Sally was play with little,
harmless Charlie.While me and Cody were talking about funny things that have happened to us when we were kids.Sally saw me and came running hugging my leg and squeezed it.She had her pink hoodie's hood on with cat ears.She looked up at me and gave a mischievous smile,"Can we we go to the park now Toby?Can we can we,please!"
I laughed due to her answer,"Isn't that were we are going right now?Hmm..Yeah we are."
I walked out of the Kingdom-like door and admired the beautifully lit sky.I hadn't seen this sky for what felt forever.Cody looked at me while I admired the sky,then he graphed my hands and(basically we all know how it goes -_-)he dragged my and Sally-who was still on my leg-to the park.
When we were at the large park,we sat on the bench and Sally was looking at the play area in a way that made it look like that she was in love with it.
"Toby,can I play over there.Please I've nothing to do."Sally begged me and I can't lie,but it was kinda getting annoying.
"F-fine.You can,but o-only on 1 condition.When we have to go,you c-c-an't cry,ok-ay."I said in a strict tone
as if I was her parent or brother.
She hugged my leg once again like last time and said mumbling,"Okey Toby.
Thanks you're the best!"
She ran of into the play area and Cody started laughing covering his mouth.
"Wh-what's up with you?Come on,s-spill the joke or w-whatever it it."I said looking at him seriously.
"Hahahahahaha!Ah.Sorry Toby,it's just funny the way you talked to sounded like you were her dad."Cody said trying hard not to laugh again.
"F-f-fuck you a-assh-hole.Dont ta-talk to me."I looked at him giving him a very nice present a middle finger.
Cody laughed unable to control his laughter,"Sorry Toby.Its just really funny,the way you talk to Sally. But I am being serious it's're a father to her.You're a role model to her Toby."
I looked at him and warmingly smiled
,"You k-know,I-I'm lucky to h-have a f-friend like you.You are re-ally nice I've n-never talked to s-omeone like you.You k-know your like a brother to m-me."I shut my eyes and just let the words in my head just float,into my mouth and out.
He hugged me tightly and for a second I was just shocked I've never actually been hugged and felt like this...ever
since......Lyla died."You know,you're like a brother to me to.Not gonna lie;
eventhough we've only known each- other for like one or two days.It just fells we've known each other longer."
I smiled and looked over at Sally,who was talking to Charlie,on the red, blood coloured like slide as she fell into the golden,yellow sand.She laughed as she shook Charlie.Minutes later,but to me like only a couple seconds,while me and Cody were laughing and cracking funny jokes Sally cane up to us and asked if we could go and eat ice-cream.Me and Cody looked at each other as we were both going to say to each other 'Can we go get ice-cream.Please!'
Cody stood up helping me up and said smiling,"Come one,I don't see why we can't.So,why don't we hurry both of our arses up and get to the ice-cream store."
Sally giggled while covering her mouth with Charlie's brown,chocolate tiny arm and holding his tummy tightly.Cody picked Sally up and put her on his shoulders giving her a piggyback and then he grabbed my hand really tight and dragged me but I could walk it was could I say it...Oh yes,as if he was holding my hand and dragging my hand at the same time.However,I could walk.
When we reached the ice-cream store, it was 17:07 and we left the park at 16:59,so when we were at the store we went up to the marble coloured counter and we ordered out ice-cream:Sally got strawberry with sprinkles and strawberry sauce and Cody got mint with a chocolate flake while I had chocolate with sprinkles.I gave the girl at the counter $1.When she smiled I-I felt my heart melt...she looked had the same hair colour and length,and the same warm smile.We went out the store and started walking to the park to the hang out for 10 minutes then go back home.

{Cody}-'What's wrong with Toby,he's awfully quiet.I wonder if he's feeling alright,'I voice at the back of head spoke.I looked at him while we sat on the bench Sally went to play with Charlie.His hands were on his lap shivering,so I grabbed both of his hands and held them in mine and asked him what was wrong he replied with nothing.
"Toby,what's wrong.And don't give me that silent treatment.I want an answer."I looked into his eyes not looking away.
He looked back and sighed his eyes tearing up,"W-well,that girl at the ice-cream store..."
I let go of his hands and held his chin,"What about her?Did something happen between you and her or something?"I asked confused.
"N-no.Not that,s-she looked like my...d-dead s-sister.Lyra.Her warm smile."Toby's tears started to drifting their way down his face,like a river.
I hugged him and shushed him, trying to make him feel better.He started crying and I held him head making him feel comfortable.
"Don't cry.Please stop crying Toby."I said caringly and wiped his unwanted clear tears
He smiled and rubbed his red nose.He smiled at me and hugged me.I hugged him back,holding him really tight.
10 minutes later,we I was getting exceeding board,so Toby,Sally and me decided to prank people.We got in so so so much trouble.
So when we went home we played with Sally,we played dollies and like 1 or 2 hours later Toby and Sally  fell asleep.And Toby was asleep on me and Sally was asleep on her bed,so what I did was pick Toby up and took him to bed and at that time it was actually late,so I decided to go to bed to.
After getting changed I had noticed that Toby was uncomfortable,so...yeah~.I changed him.And boy!O///O.Yeah,I was so embarrassed ●///●.By the time I changed him and yook the braclets of both of us,he grabbed my arm and muttered,"D-Don't go C-Cody.Stay."
I felt my face heat up,I looked at him and picked him up putting his little body on top of mine,he was so light.But at this angle also adorable, his face was on my shoulder and he hugged me,so I just hugged him back.
"Good night Toby."I squeezed him and rubbed his cheek.
He was red,"G-good night."He yawned cutely.

   This was the best day of my life.I finally knew what happiness felt like,after what felt like forever.I now wonder,what'll tomorrow be like.Will it be like today...or different. Well,I'll just have to sleep and see what tomorrow brings to me...


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