"Well she's not here." I answer.

"Where is she?" Elijah asked.

"She's staying with Stefan." Damon says. Elijah went to walked out of the room, but Damon super sped in front of him blocking him.
Elijah pinned him to a wall choking him. Damon tried to grab his neck and choke him, but Elijah was too strong.

"Stop!" I shout. I grab a pencil from a desk and plunged it in Elijah's shoulder. He groaned but didn't let go of Damon. With his free hand, he pulled it out and struck it into Damon's neck. Elijah let go of Damon and came to me.

"I wouldn't mess with an Original, Emily." he said then left.

Damon pulled the pencil from his neck and groaned in pain.
"Do you need blood?" I ask.

"No. Lets just get out of here."

After Damon cleaned the blood off his neck, we left. We joined Alaric at the house.

"So what are we going to do about Elijah? He is way stronger than Damon so he's gonna be harder to beat." I say.

"We need to find a way to trap him and stick the dagger through his heart." Damon explains.

Alaric got a call and it was Jena. "Ok, I got to go. Bye."

Alaric left. Suddenly there was a crashing noise. Damon and I looked outside to see a stake in Alaric's heart.

"Alaric!" I yell. Damon was attacked by a guy and then vervained. "Stay away from me!" He grabbed me and stabbed a needle in my neck. He took it out and fell to the floor. The needle put something in my system but it didn't affect me. It was probably vervain since Damon passed out. I kept my eyes closed for a long time. I mean I think I might have fallen asleep, but I don't know. I heard chains and Damon groan in pain. I open my eyes and see Damon in a chair with a neck device. It had wooden spikes all around the inside and a guy was pulling the chain. Everytime the chain was pulled, the wooden spikes would go into Damon's bloody neck. I realized that I was in a chair. My hands and ankles were tied down to the chair. The only problem was, the straps had some kind of sharp metal inside. I could feel the poky metal on my wrist and ankles.

I heard Damon yell in pain and couldn't stop myself from yelling,"Stop! Leave him alone!"

The man gave one more pull to Damon's chains before he moved to me. "You want some too, honey?" He asked. He grabbed my hands and pulled my hands up so that the sharp metal pushed into my wrist. the pain made me jump making my ankles to be stabbed as well.

"Stop! No!" Damon said weakly. "Don't! She's human and innocent."

The man didn't listen and kept pulling my hands. I yelled in pain.

"Ok that's enough for the human, Stevie. Remember what we're really here for." Jules says and looked at Damon. Stevie, the guy, grabbed the chains. "Tell us where the moonstone is or you'll die."

Damon doesn't say a word making Stevie pull the chains.

"Tell us where the moonstone is." Jules demands.

"Is this the moonstone your talking about?" I hear Elijah say. He was holding the moonstone.

A bunch of guys attacked Elijah out of nowhere, but everyone of them got their hard ripped out. Jules ran off,but Stevie fell to the ground. In fear. Elijah approached him then snapped his neck. Elijah broke Damon's neck device and came to me. He ripped the straps on my arms and legs. I looked at my wrists and saw how bloody they were. I went to stand up, but there was too much pain in my ankles that I fell. Elijah caught me and picked me up in his arms.

"I can't walk." I say

"It appears that your ankles are broken." he replies. He bits his wrist and gives me his blood. "You should be better by morning. I'll take you home."

He walked to Damon and said, "This is the third time I've spared your life." he walked away and took me home.

He laid me gently on the couch and started to leave. "Elijah, why did you save us today?" I ask.

He turned around and answered,"I gave someone my word that I would keep you and your friends alive."

"Thank you for saving us."

"It is my pleasure." He says then leaves.

I grab the phone from the table next to me. I called Stefan. He answers the phone and I told him about what happened today."So how is it at the Lake house?" I ask.

"It was great until Tyler and another werewolf attacked us. They were going to sacrifice Elena to break the moonstone curse."

"Is Elena alright?" I ask.

"Yes. She knew that she was going to be sacrificed."

"And she didn't do anything about it ?"


"What is she thinking?"

"I don't know, but I'm not going to let her get killed for some stupid curse."

"I'm with you on that."

"Well, I'll be home soon."

"Alright, bye." I say hanging up.

I looked at my wrists and ankles and they looked like they were healing up. Damon walked through the door and saw me on the couch.

"I'm so sorry." he said. "I should taken better care of you." he said then kissed my lips

"It's ok." I say in between kisses.

He broke away."No it's not. you could have gotten killed."

"But I didn't." I say kissing his soft lips. "I'm alright."


Thank you for the over 700 reads!! I'm so happy!! I know these chapters haven't been the best, but the reason for that is, I had a lot of things coming up and I didn't have the time to update so I'm updating during the night just for you guys!!








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