She said quietly.

"Alright... guess I'm up."

We both hurried and did Ashley,

"You ok?"

I asked, as I helped her sit up.

She didn't say anything as she hugged me and I gave her a soft pat on the back.

"We have to save (Y/N)..."

She said as she pulled away and I nodded.

"And we gotta get you home."

We ran out into the underground, machines and broken equipment had been tossed around and some polls held up the cave.

"Somethings not right..."

I said as I looked around the silent cave.

"Ashley, you stay here..."

I told her, she nodded and I got into the elevator riding it up and up.

I got to the top and saw Ada tied up, hanging from a crane and unconscious.


I ran forward,

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Sadlaar with (Y/N) walking towards me.

He held a hand up towards me, obviously thinking the parasite was still there.

I gave a smug smile

"Better try a new trick cause that one's getting old."

I said raising my knife at him,

Then I threw it at the rope holding Ada and she fell onto the soft mattress thing below her.

She sat up, giving me a look.

"You ok?"

"I've been better."

She purred at me,

Sadlaar started to laugh,

"What's so funny?"

I asked annoyed as my eyes flickered to him and (Y/N),

"I think an American prevailing is a bit of a cliche in your Hollywood movies, but now it's a bit of... an American VS American..."

He looked over at (Y/N) who hadn't moved an inch,

"Do you mind?"

He asked and without a second to spare they pulled out their gun and started shooting at me.

I dodged and jumped but with their accurate aim it was hard.

Ada had completely lost it, firing back at (Y/N) who dodged.

But this time they managed to hit Ada in the shoulder,

"Arg!.. just like old times I guess..."

She sneered as (Y/N) dropped their gun and advanced on me with their knife.

I jumped out of the way, remembering my knife was laying somewhere around from having to throw it to get Ada down.

"(Y/N)! It's me! Wake up!"

They kept going, slicing at my chest!

I sweeped their legs from under them and managed to hold her down,

"Would you listen to me!?"

I yelled as they thrashed to grab their knife.

I kicked it away from them,

Leon Kennedy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now