Bakugo Katsuki

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Deaf Oc

I walked down the halls of UA. My first day as a transfer. I'm about two weeks late but it was worth it! I'm glad I get to be here.

He'll be protected if I'm here...

I found my class... 1-A. Though it wasn't a long point before transfer it was long enough that people had already made friends and groups and that I would be the outsider again. I was used to it. Why should I expect any different, honestly? I put my hand on the door as I took a deep breath in, preparing myself for what was next.

Opening the door, I took a quick step inside and looked around. All of my new classmates looking at me strange. Like I had a third head. First, I saw an old friend, Izuku Midoriya. A friend from grade school who already knew I was coming. I smiled and waved at him. He waved back with the same smile I'd always known him to have. I smiled contently and looked around a little more. And then. I saw him.


He looked wide eyed as my eyes found his. He is friends saw this and teased him quietly as I looked away.

More surprised than I thought he'd be honestly.

I continued to look around for the teacher. I only saw an old homeless looking man lying in a yellow sleeping bag on the floor. I then realized this is pro hero eraserhead, Notoriously known for wanting more sleep and zero human contact. Knowing this I took a step back and walked over to Izuku. There seemed to be only one empty desk and it was near him (thank god). I took a seat.

'Hey Izuku! How's it going?'  I signed spastically at him. He giggled and signed back to me.

'I'm good! I'm glad you found your way to the class alright. Seems you've stirred a lot of attention' He seemed a little anxious about the eyes on him but nothing to dramatic. Though I felt one pair of eyes burning with anger instead of curiosity. Anxious as always I see. I giggled as he sat straighter and pointed to the front board. I sat straighter and looked forward as well, seeing eraserhead now standing. He began to speak and Izuku began to sign it to me. I grabbed Izukus hands and smiled, a friendly reminder of my ability to lip read. He blushed and stopped signing but gave his attention up front.

"Class we have a new student, Kanade Saito. Please, come introduce yourself, Izuku, please come translate."

You smiled and stood, walking to the front with Izuku in tow. I faced my new classmates with a smile and began signing with Izuku translating right after.

"Hello! My name is Kanade Saito! Pleased to meet all of you, I hope we can be friends." Izuku spoke slowly to make sure he was reading my hands clearly to everyone. Everyone stared between me and Izuku except for Katsuki. He looked at me and only me. Someone raised their hand while I wasn't paying attention. Izuku hit me in the arm and I looked away from Katsuki, feeling Izukus giggle as I looked at person raising their hand.

"What's your quirk? Does it impair your hearing?"

The immediate asking of this question hurt. It hit me like a truck already getting anxious over it. Moving past it, as if nothing happened, I responded.

"My quirk is damage reversal, I can reverse any damage no matter how severe. I does not impair my hearing."

They slowly nodded and put their hand back down. Another boy put his hand up.

"If you don't mind my asking, how did you lose your hearing?"

I sighed as I lied about it yet again.

"I was in a car crash when I was 11, my occipital lobe was damaged causing my hearing loss." Katsuki and Izuku had heard this story a thousand times, however only the strangers in the class seemed to pick up the mistake in my original lie. A few questioning brows raised from the girl with black hair, and the boy with blue, though they said nothing. The boy nodded and lowered his hand. A small boy with purple hair raised his hand. Is he old enough to be here? I pointed at him and nodded.

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