
Deku felt a split in his brain. He got up from kaachan's embrace bouncing around like he was about to burst. Why didn't he think about him before? everything felt so connected that deku completely forgot about the declaration of war. But deku didn't care, he put on any socks that he could find and instantly but them on. "where you are going?" deku forgot about the blonde sitting on his bed, obviously confused by his sudden burst of energy. Deku ran up to bakugo and suddenly hugged him, "I've got an idea!" he whispered in his ear, and then pouncing back up ready to head out the door. "you can stay if you want, but if not goodnight Kaachan." deku remarked, slamming the door.

Bakugo was left for words, but once he was alone, his face exploded with heat. That whisper, when deku original pounced on him, he was sure that their lips could connect. Inside, bakugo wish that they could, but he removed that thought as soon as it came in. what was wrong with him. He placed his hand over his face and leaned back, "I'll always stay, shitty deku."


Todoroki heard knocking at his door, which was weird because he knew everyone was a bit scared to talk to him. He finished the cold soba that he had been eating moments prior, waiting for the knocking to go away, but it seemed the person on the other end wasn't going to give up. Todoroki signed, he wasn't up for conversation, like normal. but he had a hunch the person at the door would never give up until he answered. He got up and went towards the door and opened. Only to find a worn out, green haired boy leaving against the door frame with a smirk. Of course it was midoriya, if anyone was going to talk to him this determined it would be the broccoli haired boy. Todoroki's face didn't change, just stared down at the ridiculously small figure. "oh good, I'm glad your awake. Can I talk to you for a sec?" he said, panting as he put all of his energy into the knock. Todoroki didn't have the strength and the energy to fight against him, he knew he would fight a losing battle, he gestured the small boy to enter the room and shut the door. "you have a lovely room Todoroki-kin!" he said in awe, it was true that Todoroki had changed the interior design to fit his old Japanese aesthetic, no one had see it until now. Todoroki didn't answer the compliment, inside sat on his bed and looked up as deku with a "what do you want" face. "well, the band is currently struggling, and we could really use an extra signer"


"come on Todoroki please."


"but we need to have enough member"


"you don't even need to claim it as a talent, just do it for us once."

Deku was getting impatient. This guy was really stubborn.

"Todoroki, I heard you were struggling with the new choreography that Ashido and Momo have created. Which is understandable because you do ballet!! I understand and respect your reasons. But all I'm asking is for a vocalist>"

"you know Todoroki, everyone is working their butts of to make this performance successful, why can't you just give it your all."

"I refuse to use my father's voice-"

"it's your voice, not your father's!"

Todoroki snapped. In that moment, he was slapped with forgotten memories.  That faint sensation of him being cradled in his mothers arms. He remembered crying in those arm, he didn't want to become a signer if that's what singers doo to their family, abuse them. He faintly remembered to sound of his mothers voice.... "you still want to sing right shoto? you have such a beautiful voice. You are not bound by your families mistake, you can become successful because of your talents, and you are talented my beautiful son. "Todoroki stared at midoriya, looking him in the eye with complete surprise. Deku realised he might have stuck a chord, but he knew he was needed to say.

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